some suggestions for me??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Mar 20, 2001.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Ok everytime I post it gets passed on, because the board postings are moving so quickly. Now I'm over the MAJOR depression of my 466 FICO, I've sunk into simple minor depression :) Anyway, I've started disputing with the CRA, when something comes back verified, I then immediately send a validation letter out the collection agency. What if the debt is still with the original creditor? I did send one of them a validation letter also. The majority of my collections are medical bills, but I have a few piddly things such as $28 here or $126 "supposed" hot check. I am sending out 2nd validation letters if they respond to me asking ME for information to help them find my file NOT!! If they don't respond in 30 days after that I guess I will send a 3rd UGLY letter and give them 10 or 15?? days until I file suit or what do I say? Whom do I threaten the collection agencies with, small claims, Attorney General? I want to make sure I know what I'm talking about when I say something. Thanks and congrats to you all on your repairs you've made.

  2. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    My Suggestion

    Not that I'm some sort of expert or anything but w/ a 466 FICO score, I would be trying to hire JUNUM with the quickness! :-O

    Ask Lizardking or Marie for help in regards to validation letters. They seem to have a lot of experience in this area.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member


    are they supposed to be faster or better or what? also what do i do about collection agencies reporting the same exact account number and amount as many as 4 times??

  4. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Re: MP

    Contact the CRAs and tell them that they are reporting duplicate info. They are able to see this with their own eyes and should delete no problem.
  5. Melissa

    Melissa Well-Known Member

    Re: MP

    I want you to feel a little bit better. I would hire Junum. We just pulled my dh's report and score and it was 477. Yikes and that isn't with hardly any of the stuff that he has on TU that was included in his recent bankruptcy so I know his TU score is probably lower. Know wonder why we haven't heard from the car dealership yet about the car we are trying to buy. I have a 561 but his is almost 100 less than mine. Hang in there hun, the only way we can go it up now hopefully because we are trying to be proactive at working at our credit. I think Junum sounds totally worth it and give it a try. They just got my reports today and sent out disputes and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I say go with Junum:)

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