I just need some reassurance here ok? I know I am OCD, but I think about credit day and night, hell I even dreamed about a new collection on my Experian report and was fighting it. I have several questions... 1. What is the requirements for Target Visa and plain ole' Target? 2. What about Citibank? Dave answered some last night, but I need MORE opinions before I kill any inquiries. TIA..
Christi, I don't know about the Target Visa, but for the Guest card, I'm thinking that pretty much anything over 600 is good enough. I had 2 judgements, 1 repo, 1 chargeoff, and 1 collection account--all paid--and high utilization to boot, and they still approved me with the minimum $200 limit. wajaba
Also which CRA's will be pulled for plain ole Target and Citibank. Sorry to interupt your thread Christi but I have been terying to get the same information.
Not to start this argument again but Amex, Target Visa and Mervyn's store card did not verify their inquiries on Experian when I disputed them.
Target pulled my EQ in OH and gave me a Visa. I had a 664 at the time and 2 pd chgoffs and some 30 and 60 day lates. All the derogs were over 2 years old.
Target pulled EQU for me and I had a 616 at the time, the only neg on there was a 120 day late from 1998. I was only approved for a guest card $200 limit. Citibank pulled TU for (I did BDD) and my score was a lousy 580, I had the 120 day late and an unpaid C/O from 1998 for $125, that has since been removed. Amazingly I got both cards $8500 total. However at the time I only had 16% credit used and 4 inquiries.
Target Guest Card pulled Experian for me (OH) but that was a little over a year ago - I think they pull Equifax now
Target (Visa) pulled Equifax for me and hubby... Citi pulled TU. We're in PA. Our scores were right around 675 for Target, 700 for Citi. Ozzy.
I called them and asked about this very information. I am trying to get my ducks in a row so that when the reports get clean, I have a credit plan. The rep said that depending on your area, that is the credit bureau they pull. They will deny you based on inquiries alone also so if you have more than 6 (I would say 5 to make sure) on your report that are less than 6 months in age then forget about it. ;-) She said DL and another credit card are needed also. I pressed her really hard about score info but she didn't know because the computer handles approvals. If you apply online and you don't see an approval right there, that means denial. I asked her about reconsideration and she said that there is none because the bank that handles the approvals, and their computer, do not give out their number. I don't know if I have added any more insight or helped anyone, but here it is..... lol Milkmom
Christi, I want to applaud you on your year long endeavor and your accomplishments. Maybe you need to take an Antivan and slow down. You've worked very hard to get to your present scores.....remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. You didn't fix your credit overnight. You'll be up there with the big CL's it just takes time. Congrats again!!! Charlie