Someone stole my MBNA number

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JacquiG, Jan 21, 2002.

  1. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    I got home about an hour ago, and there was a message from MBNA fraud asking me to call and verify some recent charges. Since I haven't even used this card since August, I called right away. Guess what, someone tried to charge $800+ in New York, and the previous two charges posted were over $350 EACH in California for office supplies/school store! I cannot believe this! MBNA told me not to worry, they cancelled my card, and said I would get some papers in the mail to sign saying these were not my charges. Has this ever happened to anyone? How in the world did these people get my number? I've never used the card on the web, and I have never *not* known where my card was! What happens next?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    When was the last time you used your card at a restaurant or some place where they take your card for a few minutes (not like a cash register). You may have been "swiped" where they steal your card info "electronically" from the strip, create a new card from the electronic info, (or use it for transactions that do not require the actual card) and there you have it.

    Have you eaten at a restaurant recently and used this card...If so, and you have not used this card (as you say) for Internet purchases/has never been out of your "sight", I would contact MBNA and tell them where so they can investigate it.

    Either way, I am glad you are not liable and that MBNA caught it so fast...great job for them I would say. Good Luck.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Waiters in a restaurant, paid for gas and forgot receipt at pump.... Pretty easy. Sorry it happened to you. At least they caught it quickly.
  4. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I HATE that. When you use a credit card you get a copied reciept. This has your cc # exp AND signature on it.
  5. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the support! I am just stumped. I went back over my records, and the last transaction was in October, for my membership. Prior to that was in August: Boston Market, Honeybaked Ham, and a nail place. I had to go WAY back to Feb 2001 to the next charge. This is insane!

    This is a newly consolidated account (August). I converted my orig Plat Plus into AAA, then combined a new Plat Plus into this one in September. I have never used this number, except for AAA membership fee. So now the question is - if someone had one of the original account numbers, could they have been "rolled" into the new number, or are those automatically declined?
  6. FeliceRodo

    FeliceRodo Well-Known Member


    I had my cc number stolen from me and what I think happened was the theft occured when I used my cordless phone. Someone with a scanner must have been "listening in" and got my info.

    Maybe when you ordered over the phone it happened or when you called your cc company and gave your info when talking with a rep.

    Hope it helps and sorry it happened to you, too!
  7. direct

    direct Well-Known Member

    Credit card fraud is all over, not just the internet, anytime you use your card, you have a bigger chance of a dishonest clerk jotting down your credit card info than the card number being stolen in cyberspace. Most merchants now use an electronic credit card authorization system, if the address/zip of the credit card billing address does not match the shipping address that the merchant sent the fraudulent order, the merchant will be charged back by the bank. This is the reason, most merchants unless they have other proof, will not ship to an address other than your credit card billing address.

  8. mj

    mj Well-Known Member

    Your complete cc # can be found on some TU and EQ reports... I looked at our mortgage credit report and 90% of the account numbers were complete. Expiration date is easy - take the date opened and add 2 years and you'd probably be right.

    (I'm not so sure expiration dates are checked that well- I've goofed on a few cards and they've gone through OK.)

    This is why SmartCards will become more popular - harder to duplicate/swipe, physical card in a reader over the 'net is a lot better than someone keyboarding in the account number.

    I know how you feel, though. I got gas at a Mobil once and the clerk forgot to give me my card back ... next statement, $400 in gas that I didn't use.

    It's a weird feeling- being violated like that- even through you're not going to be "out" anything ... it's still odd.

    Hope this is the only time it ever happens to you!!

  9. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    What happened is that when there is usage on your Credit Card with MBNA that is out of the normal in regards to what you have charged , ect in the past.. there is a system in place in which, MBNA will Contact you to verify whether the charges were yours or not.. What could have happened is that someone could have taken one of the Carbon Copies of one of your charges and wrote down the Acct Number, and just put it away for a few months, and when the time is right , just used it.. A dishonest person at a POB, could have wrote the Number down,.. The internet is another way.. There are others.. But the main thing that you do have built in Fraud protection with your account in which you will not be held responsible for any fraud charges, you should have been given a new Card with different account Numbers also..

    Good Luck and sorry for your misfortune..


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