Something fishy's going on - need advise

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Suzie46, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    This is a follow up to another thread with my posts.

    I got advise about SOL on 2 TL's are old and just started reporting on my CR. I have a few moree questions about that, though.

    1. If I try to get them deleted by saying out of SOL, is it kinda like admitting they are mine (mine, but out of statute of limitations?) I suspect these account are nearing the end of the 7 years they can be on a report, since they were opened about 10 years ago, but maybe date of last activity is just under 7 years, not activity on my part, but when the closed them, maybe??? Anyway, will making a move of any kind start a new 7 yr. clock? is this a tactice to get me to make a move so that clock can start again?

    2. Something brand new, well, old, but new to my CR. Just a couple of days ago I got a new account listed from a home heating company, with a balance of over $1000 and a new date of Sept., 2007. The date they say this account was opened was 1990!!!! Again, is this out of SOL? or will me making a move start a new clock?

    Another new account popped up - but it's one that I paid, tried to get the CA to remove but they wouldn't, wrote a goodwill to the CEO (medical) and they told CA to remove it. It was removed more than a year ago, and I do have a letter from the CEO (I believe - I'll double check, it's been a while, but I have folders) Now it's back on again. The weird thing is...I suspect they are the reason old stuff pops up. i never had that problem, until this deletion. Two weeks after that deletion, 2 very old accounts popped up and I suspected they had something to do with it (maybe got mad that I won the deletion and researched me and found some old things to throw up again.) Since I got that deleltion in the spring, 2007, old accounts keep popping up, and now that same account that got deleted is back again!

    Sure, I can send a copy of the letter to the CRA's and that'll be the end of that. But how can I prove that this CA is harrassing me because if I can prove they are behind this, I'd like to take them to court. I've never done that, and I don't want to, but it pisses me off that they are doding this, and in my heart, I believe they are behind this.

    Is it possible that the CRA would bring out very old news and put it on a CRA without someone raising the issue or pushing my name to be researched? I want to call the CRA and ask them how those accounts got placed on my CR out of the blue after m,any years - will I get a legit answer? Something's going on here, and I want to know what it is and I want it to stop.

    The crediters listed are often the OC, except that one that was delelted and back again - it was a CA. But it feels like a nasty business of a pissed off CA stirring the waters. How can get them off and keep them off, when I have a letter that says that one should be deleted (and it was) but now it's back again. Is that something I should just write an ITS because I have a letter saying to delete, and they added it? I feel they are doing this thinking I might not notice, but I have a credit monitoring service, so I know. I think they shouldn't get away with this.

    I also would like to know why are these old things popping out suddenly? This is the 4th one in the last 6 months that is way old that came out on my CR. Who is doing this - the CRA or who, because all of the OC's are different, so I can't think this is all coming from one crediter.
  2. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member



    Since I wrote that first post, I had another derog pop up - I have no idea about this account. I can see it's a phone company, but the date opened says last year, and I don't recognize this. It's from a collection agency. I don't know if I have gotten notices on this, because honestly, I don't open mail I don't recognize who it's from. I have opened that kind of mail in the past only to find it's junk mail, so I treat them all like junk mail and don't even bother opening what I don't recognize anymore.

    I mentioned a gas account that was very old that popped up out of nowhere....just recently, that same gas company added another neg. TL for a much larger amount - it is a different account number and I don't know that it is mine (I don't think so, but if it is, it's so old my memory doesn't remember it - more than 10 years, because that's how long since I've lived in that state.

    I don't understand why all of these things are coming out of nowhere. I did get a mortgage pre-approval a few months ago but I never used it - I never did buy a house - the pre-approval showed me I couldn't get enough to do that with. Could just that kind of movement cause these old and un-recognizable accounts to pop up?

    My CR has gotten 5 derog added since Spring - they keep coming up one a time, about one a month - very old or unknown. What is going on?
  3. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Yup. That'll do it.

    You need to deal with each one on it's own. If you've received mail from them and thrown it away, you've probably forfited some of your FDCPA rights. That doesn't mean they have to know that, but it's one less thing on your side.

    But you've got to hit each one individually. They won't go away by themselves (well not for a few years, anyway).

    good luck.
  4. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Thank you!

    The next question is how to deal with them.

    If they are old, they are most likely out of SOL. I'm concerned they may not be. What if the account time frame froze before the SOL was up (because I moved), and now they unfroze it and it is still in SOL when I think it's not? If I ask for deletion based on SOL and for some reason that I don't even know about I get told that it's IN SOL, didn't I just to admit the account was mine? I'm afraid of a wrong step. I'm afraid I'll in effect say "yes, the account is mine but it's old and out of SOL so remove it" and they will respond "No, the account to which you just admitted to is NOT out of SOL for the follwoing reasons (and they state them). But since you just verified they are yours, we got ya!"

    Also, even if I do get something removed, how can I prevent that from popping up again? Chances are they will just sale it to someone else and it will come up again. One of the negs now is a case like that. But I have a letter from the company saying it should be delted so I will send that in to the CRA's for the files so that won't happen again. But what about SOL accounts where I have no letter to keep it off of my CR?

    Should I send the collections people a Reg. mail asking for validation, and then dispute with CRA, or because they are most likely out of SOL, should I just dispute with CRA?

    Also, is there a way to know where these are coming from? Can I find out if the CRA is digging up old files or the collections people are doing this? Can I request that info? I ask because of that one account that is now re-inserted. I'd like to know if the CA is responsible for that or if the CRA just dug it up and added for some reason. If I discover the CRA re-inserted, is there something more I can do to them for doing that? Is that a viloation that I can hold them accountable for?
  5. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    Let's take humans out of the equation for all of the newly-appeared collection TLs. Those came from programming. The CA or JDB buys a list of people who've had mortgage pulls, and their computer matches it against debtors in their database of assigned or purchased accounts, then sends dunning letters and places illegally reaged TLs on the victim's CRA reports in an effort to force them to pay off or risk losing the mortgage on the home they're trying to buy.

    As for the removed one ... it could be back because of a computer glitch or because the CRA audited the CA and found that the removal was unwarranted for one reason or another. There are only a few reason codes that justify removal of a TL, and the CRAs can and will audit CAs and OCs to make sure their policies are complied with. CRAs fight "pay for delete" or "credit bartering" because it supposedly erodes the accuracy (and hence the value) of the reporting products they provide.
  6. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    ^^^ So with the one that was removed then reinserted...I have a letter from that hospital saying they told the CA to remove from files. So should I send that letter to the CRA to add to their files, so it won't be reinserted?

    And with all of those old one - should I dispute as not mine since they are so old, or dispoute as out of SOL or should I handle that another way?

    Thank you for all of the help!

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