Something Strange From Experian

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Erica, Dec 15, 2002.

  1. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Ok, I just got a report from Experian in reference to my CHOD dispute that I sent regular mail on 11/26/02. The cover sheet states verbatim: "Using the information provided the following item was not found: Midland Credit Management 991XX" But yet it shows up on my credit report as a negative item with Status Details of "Status: Collection account. $3080 past due as of 8-2001. Account History: Collection as of 8-2001. This account is scheduled to continue on record until 7-2004. Your Statement: "Item disputed by consumer." Your Comment: "Account information disputed by consumer (Meets requirement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act)." This item was verified and updated on 5-2002."

    Now if they can't find it, then why the heck is it still there? And why didn't they delete it? Any suggestions on how to handle this?
  2. tnobles

    tnobles Well-Known Member

    Erica, they probably just do not want to investigate it b/c it was placed in dispute by Midland. The tradeline is showing no status. BTW, I notice you mention REGULAR MAIL I was just wondering what came of that when I saw your last post. I remember the big stink about crrr vs reg mail.
  3. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member

    Wait a few days and look again.
    It may be gone from their database, deleted.
    The report you see can take time to update, so it is still there.

    Look again in a day or two. Hopefully, it'll be gone!

  4. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Well, apparently they got my letters, because they sent me another letter that says I didn't send in enough information about 2 other disputes. So that totals 3 disputes. These letters are dated 12/7/02, so they got them and reviewed them in a total of 10 days, and that includes Thanksgiving.
  5. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    They sent me a paper report. It's still on there. I shouldn't have to wait, they said they cant find it, and I see it plain as day.
  6. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

  7. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    Noone has anything else to say? I don't send a followup letter or anything????
  8. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    222 people looked at this thread, I looked about 5 times, so that's 217 people, and noone had anything else to say about what they think I should do. No wonder I don't post or reply more often. With the new members and the new moderator, it's hard to find anyone willing to answer questions. Just forget I was here and asked a question. Goodbye everyone, I'll find another board to ask.
  9. radi8

    radi8 Well-Known Member


    The report the CSR sees when you call is updated immediately, but the one you get, paper or online takes longer to update.

    Are you certain that it's still on your report?
    You could get a 30 day free trial to creditexpert and look and see, or login and check the "results" of your dispute.


  10. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    I don't want to post names of other boards but if you don't know any others, email me and I'll send you the names of a couple others.
  11. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    WOW!! Hope you haven't left yet.

    Why don't you just call EX and ask them if it's on your report or not?! If they say it's still on your report, then ask "Why are you not investigating it, per my request sent on [this date]".

    Have you not thought about doing this? Seems pretty straight forward to me. Not being a smartass, just asking.
  12. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

  13. OnTheBayou

    OnTheBayou Well-Known Member

    Bayhouse and
  14. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Gosh Erica, there's just something about the words you chose in your postings...

    I don't think that is a strange response from EX., I think they are playing with you and everyone else that submitted disputes during the holiday season; TU has been notable too, and dragging the pack seems to be EQ. Have you not noticed the number of threads with similar responses -- not enough info., need i.d., already investigated, not received etc.?

    The CRA's are innundated with disputes and can't handle them as required, instead they are stalling, requiring us to buckle up and generate more paper.

    Maybe some stalling letter and tactic is the planned initial response to the disputes received once they've reached their capacity for handling them. I dunno, bet they had a staff meeting about it too and plotted how to best respond, knowing they would be innundated, in a way that would require persistence on our part and buy them some time. How many stalling letters have been successful, is what I want to know, and the disputer hasn't followed up, so the CRA's stone-walling worked for them?

    If they are saying they can't find it, and they obviously didn't look very hard based on your post. I think your responses could be:

    Copy the letter, your report, and their response -- send it back to them. Tell them you aren't requesting a re-investigation, you are requesting deletion based on their failure to have begun an investigation when you disputed and their timeframes have expired.

    Copy the letter, your report, and their response -- send it back to them, they'll likely initiate a re-investigation.

    Copy the letter, your report, and their response -- file an online complaint with the FTC (we all should be doing this, I think) and then forward a copy of your complaint to EX with your copies.

    Send them a letter, you can't find it? Thank you for deleting in response to my dispute, please provide me with an updated copy of my report.

    If you disputed in writing, you could try disputing online.

    File suit against them for failure to investigate, as required.

    Find an email contact for EX and tell them just what you posted here, tell them you now want deletion based on their failure to reinvestigate or request they start an investigation -- whichever you are comfortable with.

    Find a fax number for EX and use that with of the above or any combination.

    Threaten them with being unfair and deceptive under the federal act and your state's act.

    See if your state goes further in mandating what CRA's are required to do -- write to your AG and ask them for help.

    Throw in the towel, like they want, and live with the negative tradeline.

    Now on to finding another message board. You've been around here long enough to know how to get a response, long enough too, to have found a hubby, married and gone on a honeymoon as well, yes, I'm remembering correctly? Congrats by the way, I love the old posts!

    As of this posting, 12 replies and 290 views. How many responses are required for you to stay or go?

    There IS however, only one credit-net, and what makes this message board stand out is the sheer volume of ideas shared and opinions expressed. You don't get bad advice or non-verifiable advice because it's not dominated by one person. Here, old and new alike, learn from each other and when you post threads like this one, it gets bumped and bumped again until you get the response that either forms a consensus or works for you.


    Here's some old threads:

    In addition to those posted, here's some links I have bookmarked:

    Kristy's site:

    WhyChat and Breeze:



    Debt America:
  15. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

  16. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Geez, Erica...I viewed your post, but I don't know the answer to your question. I don't know what you should do, but if I had anything that I felt was helpful to say, I certainly would respond.


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