speaking of OSI.....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kell393, Dec 20, 2001.

  1. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    i just actually read the letter i got from them and it says "This letter is in response to your recently received correspondence.
    We have verified your account and forwarded your request to our dispute department for processing.
    We will handle your request as expeditiously as possible.
    Sincerely Support Department"
    so is this an actual valid verification? does anyone have an idea of what this really means? the only other reference to the bill is
    i had originally disputed this with the CRA after weeks of argueing with them on the phone.
    it was removed 5 days ago and reinserted today.(EXPERIAN) and changed to PAID (EQUIFAX) i do not feel either is correct.
    also very small on the bottom it says " the law requires us to stop contacting you about this debt if you write and ask us to stop. however,under the law we may still contact you for two reasons,
    (1) to advise you that we intend to pursue specific remedies as permitted by law; or (2) to advise you that our efforts are being terminated." So... does this mean just 1 more time after you tell them or can they keep on going? sorry to rant but back to the question, is this proper verification? thx, kelly
  2. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    I got the same letter. It confuses me as well.
  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    That response is pure b.s. They haven't verified a damn thing. They sent me that exact same letter in Sept. after I sent them a validation letter. I have yet to receive any proof. Once the 30 days has passed since you sent your validation, send the estoppel. They have failed to respond to the estoppel and a 3rd letter. So, I sent a letter to the cra with copies of all my letters to gulf state and copies of the green card showing they signed for all 3. I did this about 2 weeks ago, so I'll update when I hear the results.
    Also, once they fail to respond, you have them in violation of the FDCPA if they contact you, or report to the cra's during this period.(if you responded within 30 days of their initial contact with you)
    I filed a lawsuit against gulf state 1 1/2 weeks ago.
  4. rockbottom

    rockbottom Active Member

    That is in the FDCPA

    I believe it just means they may only contact you to tell you they are suing you or that they are stopping their efforts, probably just a way for them to document their action of ceasing communication.
  5. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I agree. Its another ruse trying to confuse you and throw you off.


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