All, I posted a few weeks back about getting RMA removed from equifax I pulled mycreditkeeper today and low and behold its back with a 0 balance in the other category but showing as delinquent and says customer disputes this information. This account is past the SOL past the reporting period was illegally reaged and now removed and rereported. Does anyone have suggestions before I call equifax and find out what happened?? I know CMRR is better than online or phone but those two methods are faster and I would like this account gone. Sould I send and ITS letter and demand settlement and delete for violations?
If it has been re-aged, why not send RMA a summon and let them explain it to you before a Judge - and have them bringa $1000 check made out to you. No ITS - just sue.
Did Equifax notify you within 5 days that the tradeline has been reinserted? Has the account numbers changed? Has anything changed on it to reflect that allowed the account to be reinserted so that Equifax would state that isn't the same tradeline as before?
Per equifax the account was deleted by the creditor not equifax and the results of the third dispute came back verified once again but she let me do a fourth dispute with the exact same information if the OC is not reporting because the 7 years is up there is no was the CA can report!! Now they have yet another 30 days to remove this is getting old and I am getting really annoyed.