Re: Spoke with Mr Cooke today-he su Capone bank sent me a letter saying that if I use my new card to transfer the "unpaid balance" and if my "new account" is still in good standing, I will receive a 10% credit of the transfered bal amount in my "new" card. They also advertise that any new charges to the account will be at 10% apr till 2004 BUT on the cutomere agreement disclosure they say : We may at any time,with or without cause and without advance notice, terminate this Agreementand/or temporarily or permanentlt suspend your credit "privileges". We may amend or change any part of your agreement including the periodic rates and other charges, or add or remove requirements at any time. enjoy
Mr. Cooke is a fair person to deal with. He has done me right on two occasions when I contacted him. He can only do so much depending on your own situation. I would forget about having a former creditor change or delete a tradeline. Just keep disputing it and eventually it will come off. Even the toughest fighters have failed to keep the old tradelines off my credit reports.
Thanks for the advice. I know that Cooke is just another glorified credit industry p. r. flunkie. His power is very limited as I have demosntrated.