Spread The Wealth

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nkneed, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

    Since I have been trying to correct my CR I have been checking in on this site daily, and I have posted a few posts. But I am vey dismayed at the slow to no response at the site.

    Creditnet post their total members, and the number of online members, which is always very, very low.

    This and any site like this one can only be successful, and helpful with participation. In the beginning I too, was a lurker, and only read. But then I stayed away from it for over a year. When I came back, it was to arm myself with as much information as I could to educate myself.

    The knowledge that all of us have is invaluable, and can apply to most of our very own situations. I would one day like to be in the 700 and 800 club. All those that were able to make these clubs with the help of Creditnet, should reach back and help others to get into these clubs.

    Share the wealth, and take time out of your busy schedules to remembers those that are struggling, to be able to get into the 700, and 800 clubs. But we cannot get there without the posts of others.

    Please post, share the wealth........of knowledge.

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