Starting Over

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Bad~Kitty, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. Bad~Kitty

    Bad~Kitty New Member

    I am so happy to have found this forum! I used to be on Art Of Credit which helped me get my reports all clean.

    After checking my reports this week, I've found a few medical bill tradelines and I'm ready to get back at it.

    The one I am going to start with, I have found has not filed the proper bond in the State of Texas.

    My question, Should I begin with a DV letter to the CA or jump right in with the "you don't have a bond" letter?

    I'm guessing the DV would be irrelevant if they don't even have the right to be collecting here in the first place, but I want to double check myself. (I'm a little rusty on all this after a few year break.)

    Thanks in advance!
  2. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You can request the evidence of their ability to collect in your state in your DV letter. I would add it as an item you're requesting evidence of.

    Just keep the letter short and simple, dispute debt and request evidence of validity for debt and collection ability.

    Good Luck and Welcome!
  3. credit1

    credit1 Well-Known Member


    Simple DV should do the trick to let them know you are not going to sit back and do nothing.
    Also, I am not from Texas from believe Texas is one of the more friendlier consumer states. So, read some of the laws about CA's having to be licensed in your state to collect in your state.
    Also, read up on the HIPPA laws that might just help you.
  4. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    The old don't have a bond letter was nothing but another type of letter stating that the sender has been visiting some internet message board and now thinks s/he is a legal expert but in reality has little or no understanding of law or how it operates. If they did they would have realized that like most letters found on the internet, the old you don't have a bond letter is about as ignorant as it gets.

    In order to understand why it is so dumb you have to understand the legal term STANDING. In order to sue or have standing to complain you must be an injured party. If a person or a company who is required by law to have a license or a bond has none the state is the injured party, not the citizen. All the citizen has the right to do is tell the Attorney General about the violation and it is strictly up to the AG whether or not his office takes action against the violator or not. If you have not lost money then you don't even have standing to complain and being forced to pay your debts does not qualify as losing money.

    So now, instead of wasting time and money and valuable leverage plus making ourselves look like fools let us learn how to do it the right way and get some mileage out of it for ourselves instead of more bucks for the state to waste.

    The way to get maximum mileage and effect out of the no bond situation is to save it and tell it to a judge if and when they sue you. That will get you a lot more mileage than sending some silly ART OF CREDIT BRAINSTORM to them. The court can't let them bring suit if they are violating a state law or regulation. It will be likely to get their case thrown out of court and it will be likely to cause the lawyer more than a small amount of embarrassment too. That will be good for your defense and bad for their offense indeed.

  5. creditwren

    creditwren Banned

    If you want my opinion I'd say we have a brand new spammer here. He also has a brand new web site that has never been indexed on the Alexia wayback machine yet and contrary to his claims, Google says there are no links to his brand new web site yet. There are also no pages or web sites similiar to his. So apparently he has some brand new ideas that nobody else ever heard of.

    Just so happens that there is a new program out there called Orchastr8 that checks all this stuff. It is a Firefox plug in that is so new it is still in Beta testing and in order to get it you have to be invited to be one of the company's Beta testers. You will be able to get it once the beta testing is over and it is released to the public. Most Firefox are free but I don't know about this one. It is very sophisticated as is and does a lot more than just check links even though it is still in beta testing. There will undoubtedly be a lot more built into it by the time it goes public.

    But in any case, this guy is obviously just another spammer here.

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