Hello everybody! I just stumbled across this site and couldn't be happier. I am finally ready to start the journey of repairing my credit. I am a total newbie and know I have a lot to learn!!! And with your help I'm hoping this will be as painless as possible. I was about to dive into this myself but thought it would be wise of me to read up a bit (I surprise myself sometimes). Looks like I have a ton of reading to do and as the questions come up I look forward to your advice. A very brief backround: My current credit score is in the mid 500's depending on the CB. I am about $5000 in debt. I currently do not have any credit cards, loans, etc. out. Most (if not all) of my debt is in collections (I haven't made a payment in about 3 years). Recently I have tried to get credit and have been denied each and every time (even for a cell phone). I finally took the initiative to see what was actually on my credit report. In the past I was very stupid with my money and after much denial I am now ready to tackle what I owe. I'm off to learn a little through reading...just wanted to introduce myself.
Welcome . . . this is a very informative board with free exchange of ideas. You will get any future questions answered here with numerous perspectives.