Starting with Experian........

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Marydjw, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Marydjw

    Marydjw Well-Known Member

    Experian gives me a 501 score. I have 19 delinquent accounts and I'm not really sure what the ages are because it's confusing trying to determne which date is used as the actual date reported. My estimate is they range between 2011 and 2016 to drop off. I've disputed them and three were removed, but what remains they say are accurate. I have a BK (9/02); two state liens (8/05, 3/06) both paid, and two judgments from same company (9/08, 1/09) I'm paying them because they threatened to place a lien on my bank account. I've changed banks, but they say they can find me, so I have no choice. I will pay them off in July. There are three positives including my car payment, but only one account I can salvage. It is a subprime VISA, but I guess better than trying to open a new one. It is about two years old. (Three other accounts are due to drop off this month, but are still there?)
    Should I now pull the other two reports or focus on one at a time? I've read the success stories and visited the board over the years and felt at the mercy of the companies but am ready to try at repair myself.
    Anything I'm missing? Suggestions?

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