I recieved a preapproval letter from state farm with a BT offer of 0% until 6/06. There after the APR is Prime rate. It has a variable APR of 13.49% on purchases. I currently have a thorn in my side called "Chase" I have a balance of $5980 with a default rate of 27%. Yeh, I screwed. The monthly payment fluxuates with the market. My question, what are anyones experience with State Farm. I need a BT with at least a 6000 CL and a decent APR, even if it is a variable.
i've heard they are good and generous with their CL's. i personally don't have any experience with them.
They are good Bank. I take those BT offers from time to time but i dont use my card very often bcs the purchase rate is high. My limit is 10,000 . I have this card like 2.5 years ago . the initial limit was 5K . No problem ever. Go for It!
i really do not remember who they pulled. was Equifax or Exp. Initial limit was 5K. I opened this account like 3.5 yrs ago or so dont remember all details about the offer. Also I advise you that the Web site and the application process is a little weird. I have not been able to do payments online on the site ever.
Geo, have you tried here? https://online.statefarm.com/apps/CCEnable/creditcardenable.asp I don't have their card, but this may work.
I called them last night and I was approved for $6500, with the BT offer until 1/06. so, I'm going to play with the system. After 1/06, I'm going to look for another offer for a 1 year 0%intrest BT. If I can do this maybe three times, I can finally pay this Chase off. I got the bill, fincance charge 141.40, Min payment 142.00. What a rip off. I was at a 27& variable, now they gave me a 2k increase and a 21% fixed. This card is offically cut up as we speak.
greyfox. Yes i use that link. i can see the account balances but i am not able to pay online except if i would have an State Farm Bank account. But that is not my case.
well looky at who came to visit! hi George! BTW - i thought it was Target that invented the toy card?
Re: Re: State Farm CC The "ORIGINAL" definition of a "TOY" card is 80% (or more) lower than your lowest credit limit... My lowest limit "WAS" $5,000 they gave me $1,000 I called to close it NOT activate it!!! The CSR didn't even try to keep me...ALTHOUGH THE IVORY TOWER did call me at work He did $5,000 no problem but there was that problem with a 3.90% +/- BT that turned into like 11% +/- I COULDN'T CONTINUE!!!
Re: Re: State Farm CC Ahhh, i got it! I have to say - it is fabulous to see you here George. You have been missed.
Not as toy.... since I have a 10K Visa with them. Maybe u only had bad luck by the time u applied for. Btw Nice to see u again George!.
Re: Re: State Farm CC I don't care about STATE FARM since I have more than 10 times what you have with AMEX (3 cards)
Re: Re: State Farm CC i just called Chase, and I currently have a 0 balance. If figure after the 6 months 0%, the 14.9 Variable, is a lot better than 27% anyway you look at it.
Re: Re: Re: State Farm CC George, They didn't approve me for A TOY CARD limit and they approved me for $5000. I thought it is Juniper and Capital One. They always give you TOY CARD. Ron.