I loved GEICO for the 6 years I had them Only one claim, they rocked processing it - within 48 hours I had a check in my hand (even if I had to let the guy use a power outlet in my office cause his laptop battery was going dead, LOL.) He didn't even rat me out for having a radar detector ;-) I would have kept them forever if USAA hadn't quoted me a premium at 1/2 the cost of GEICO. DH has a lead foot and has only just now managed to go 2 years without a ticket. His fault, I know. USAA just gave us more credit for MY not having had a ticket in 10 years, I think. I worked for State Farm my first couple of years in college. (Regional Office, not an agent's office.) I would NEVER consider having insurance through them for ANYTHING. While I worked there, they decided not to renew my mom's homeowner's that she'd had for 10 years because she had ONE $2000 claim. I worked in Commercial Fire and had to get one of the UW's to call a buddy of his in HO to get them to not cancel the policy. She kept it for the remaining 4 months that I worked there, and as soon as I quit she found better insurance and cancelled. Ugh. I'm sure every insurance company has at least one horror story, though ;-)
For me, Allstate beats Progressive and GECKO by couple hundred/semi-year. They've also been very tolerant of my past, shall we say casual, record of payments. Although I'm reformed now. My policy was late enough to be cancelled several times but they reinstated when I got around to paying. It once was so late they had to write a new policy. Despite that they didn't permanently cancel me and/or raise my rates - for which I am now very thankful. I can't speak to their claims handling as I've not had one with them. By the way, when looking at car insurance, take into consideration a lot of the bigger insurers have tiered programs. Which tier you are in is based on driving record, length of time as policy holder, phase of moon... So, Allstate may cost more initially, but once you get into the select tiers it may be cheaper in the long run.
Allstate cancelled us for non-payment. We had 2 accident claims 1 at fault 1 not at fault (they count the same), Progressive and Geico were way too high, Farmers gave us the most decent rate. With two accidents be prepared for sticker shock. Funniest thing though, we then moved our motor home insurance to them, they never asked about claims (1 fire at $8,000) the first of this year, our rate was cut in half.
LOL didn't say it was a good policy or they did it right...said they gave me the most "decent" i.e. cheapest rate. And I have the further thrill of adding my 17 yr old in the next few weeks. Oh boy.
Hi everyone, I'm also in the insurance business...actually am licensed in about 48 states. It would make it much more helpful when posting insurance related questions to include the state you live in since your state laws, etc can radically be different from another especially when it comes to use of credit.
Creditgeek, Are the losses chargeable? If so, check and see if you are eligible for State Farm Fire and Casualty. If these are the only two negatives no other tickets, etc, I believe this would only be seven INSURANCE points. Six points makes you ineligible for State Farm Mutual. But Fire and Casualty allows up to 7 insurance points. I am in Michigan so I can't be sure about other states but it might be worth looking into. Most insurance comapnies here in Michigan could not write you through their program--you would have to go into high risk---so I am not sure calling any other insurance company will really help.
Lynn, Motorhomes are not subject to the essential insurance act so insurance companies cannot surcharge on these policies. Thus ther reason they did not ask about moving violations. Anything would be charged on another vehicle, even if the accident happened in the motorhome! Wierd stuff I know!
Hockeymom, Every insurance company rates accidents and violations differently. For example Company A may assign 3 points to an At Fault Accident where as Company B may assign anywhere from 1 to 3 based on the date of the accident or the payout amount, etc. It just depends on how they're filed to write insurance in your particular state.
Incorrect. I also write motorhome policies and yes usually they can be surcharged depending on state rules (and out of the 48 I know of, you can surcharge for accidents and violations in all including MI). It's dangerous Hockeymom to give definite insurance advice without knowing the state the person lives in. State rules vary widely and where you can do something in one state, you can't do it in another.
In addition, No Fault States have COMPLETELY different rules. In Fl. you cannot even get BOAT insurance if you have an impaired drivers license record.
aaaahhhh Progressive....!! I was with them for YEARS.... every payment made on time, never a problem.... bought a car and called them - got everything covered, etc... Almost a year later, I start looking at other cars and decide to get an insurance quote on one I liked..... Found out through their websiteI didn't even HAVE insurance!! It hadn't been in effect for 2 days!! Ya think they would TELL you something like this.... So I call my agent, he says they cancelled because I never provided them with the VIN # on my monte carlo (I did when I bought it, duh).... Mind you, this car has been insured for a year, with never a letter sent or phone call made. Of course, they said they sent me multiple requests - which mysteriously never made it to my mailbox - but the BILLS sure did!! Every month without fail!! My agent said he had nothing on file concerning this request either.... To top it off, I couldn't get my policy reinstated without giving them a big down payment - rat b@st@rds! I found insurance for $800/yr cheaper with someone else. The End
Ooooooh, many many years ago, I had Allstate. Did some shopping around at renewal time, found Progressive to be cheaper, signed up for coverage, made my downpayment. Fast forward 60 days. Come home from work one day to find in my mailbox. 1) a bill. 2) a late notice for the bill 3) a cancellation for non-payment warning 4) a cancellation notice, dated effective TEN DAYS PRIOR. They ALL came the SAME DAY! All POSTMARKED the SAME DAY. I had been driving around for TEN DAYS with no insurance. (And my dad was an insurance agent for 20 years, it was drilled into my head EARLY ON that you MUST have insurance!) I was completely freaked out by the experience. I called GEICO and got insurance effective that day, and then called Progressive and reamed some poor CSR a new one. It didn't accomplish a thing but I felt better after. Looking back, I should have filed complaints with the Insurance Commissioner, BBB, maybe the AG, but I was young and dumb. As an interesting side note, my mother had Progressive for years, and they made her put something in her policy stating that I wouldn't drive her car til I was 25. Same clause excluding my brother. When I was in college and she wanted to put my car on her policy to help out with expenses, we had to switch to Allstate.
I think if you read my original post you see that I stated that I was in Michigan. I simply stated a reason WHY she would not be asked about points on a motorhome policy. I doubt that this is considered "dangerous".