I know you stated where you lived, but do you know where she lives? No. Not to mention the fact that your WHY was wrong! So yes giving advice to someone without all the information and then giving wrong advice at that is dangerous to the person who could take the wrong advice.
Ah come on now guys, lets play nice. I didn't take it as advice. I ready Hockeymom's post to indicate why I MIGHT not have been asked. Don't know, don't care, have the policy, so I'm not gonna call Farmers and say by the way, did I mention the 8K claim I had in March? Peace on Earth, get in the Christmas spirit guys.
I just renewed with State Farm. 3 accidents in 5 years. No tickets. One claim on my insurance. I am also usually late by a few days with payment. I have had them for 10 years
I have had Geico for over 4 years and never a problem. I've had about 1 accident every two years. Only one recent ticket (which I no-lo'd so it's no points on my record). Two second-hand insurance horror stories: Friend1 - had her car broken into and her stereo stolen. Reported it to Geico. They recorded it as Friend1's fault! Friend1's damages were less than the deductible, so Friend1 paid all repairs out-of-pocket. No cost to Geico! Thief was stupid and got caught with a carful of stereos, including Friend1's. Friend1 recovered the stereo, also. So it's her fault even though they caught the thief?! This was the only "bad mark" on Friend1's record with Geico. Friend1's premium was increased to "high risk" to the point where she quit Geico and got insurance elsewhere. She now carries State Farm. Friend2 was in an accident, and aside from other hassles, State Farm would not cover any costs associated with the necessary replacement of the ruined passenger door - all due to an existing tiny ding with a tiny paint chip knocked out and the resulting tiny speck of rust on the door. "Pre-existing damage" was applied to the entire door. Same Friend2, in another incident could not get State Farm to pay to replace a broken window from a break in. The "considerate" thieves cut the weatherstripping out and left the intact glass window inside the vehicle. StateFarm claimed Friend2 got locked out of his car broke into his own car, so they wouldn't pay. Ironically, the glass probably would cost $5, but the weatherstripping is exorbitant because he can only get it from Ford. -ingenue