You can attempt to - but I doubt that you'll be able to. After an OC writes off a debt, it's off of their books, and they will tell you that you should have made an attempt to pay them before they sold it to the CA, and that now you will have to deal with the CA.
It depends upon whether they sold the debt or just assigned it. If they assigned it, they can call it back and collect it themselves. If they sold it, they no longer have any right to collect. Whether or not they have written it off their books has nothing to do with this, as I've stated many times. A writeoff is an accounting treatment and can be reversed if the debt is collected. Contact the OC and find out if they have sold the debt or just assigned it. Ask them if they can accept payment.
You also need to be careful when trying to pay the OC; you may submit the payment to them, and they simply foreard it to the CA. Often, people think thay have avoided the CA by paying the OC, only to find out the OC merely forwarded the payment. You have to ensure that the debt is "called back" from the CA.
how would one try to attempt and contact an oc when it has been very long. WaMu has bought providain and I am trying to get in touch with WaMu. Already sent email to credit card divison which they gave me the number to open a new account if you are a first time consumer