Still Pay?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by broncsboi, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. broncsboi

    broncsboi Well-Known Member

    If the SOL has expired, I'm assuming they (CA) can no longer collect on the debt, right?

    Why would you pay it off even though one can't collect on it?

    How, if any, can you get it off your credit report since they can't collect it?

    Could you, would you, see if they would settle for a lot less and show it as 'paid as agreed' even though you don't have to pay it due to SOL? I mean, you would now be in the driver's seat, right? You don't have to pay but you're willing to give them something for something.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    The only thing that the SOL will do for you is that it its an AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE to a lawsuit if the CA tried to sue you for the debt.

    They can still file for a judgment, it is up to you to raise the SOL Defense!
  3. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member


    Just a note so there is no confusion - they can still attempt collection, as the other poster said it is an Affirmative defense in a lawsuit.
  4. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*If the SOL has expired, I'm assuming they (CA) can no longer collect on the debt, right?
    2**Why would you pay it off even though one can't collect on it?
    3*How, if any, can you get it off your credit report since they can't collect it?
    4* see if they would settle for a lot less and show it as 'paid as agreed.
    5*I mean, you would now be in the driver's seat, right? You don't have to pay but you're willing to give them something for something.
    2*There is no legal reason to pay it.
    3*It don't have to be collectable to be reportable.
    4*How are you going to do that when there is no such thing as a paid as agreed collection.??
    5*Just don't get thrown out because of no seat belt.
    THE END ** *** ** LB 59
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