still trying to get straight...

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by teresa, Jan 25, 2003.

  1. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    O.k. I think I have my stuff in order...if you seen my previous posts you know what I am up against...couple more questions before I send letters. You all know most of my accounts are about 6 yrs old and well out of the blue I got a CA letter, so I send them the validation letter correct? Nothing to the OC?Most of what I am doing first is sending blanket disputes to the CRA "not mine" letters. Since they are so old hopefully that will help my SOL is 7 for MI but we are stationed overseas not sure how that plays into our situation. I have a items listed on my report once by the original creditor and then by the CA but the CA I paid off and on a couple posts they do not list paid still CO for the CA and OC I have a letter from them as proof, what letter do I send still a not mine to the CRA? What to the CA, validation letter (they are paid) nothing to the OC cause disputing to the CRA as not mine should work...One more CRA is reporting a listing as cannot locate customer... but that list is a CA and I have a paid letter from them too...These people I swear....Should I negotiate with the CA saying they are in violation for reporting inaccurate information on my report and demas immediate removal? or just do a not mine with the CRA? So when this is all said and done I am sending quite a few letters well one to the CRA's disputing items and then validation letters to the CA I still owe, paid OC get what? Sorry for the long post...hopefully I can start writing soon....thanks
  2. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Teresa, hon, I can't follow this post very well. I know your on a pay by the minute plan, but maybe can you type this in a word processor and cut and paste it. I'm soooooo lost. I will mention a few things though:

    1. Put all your proof of payment letters aside for now. You are admitting you owed the debt in the first place. Stay simple until you have to get complicated. Simple "do not recognize" disputes on round 1.

    2. All the unpaid CA's - send validation letters, once you have received green card, then dispute those as not mine.

    3. Paid CA's and OC's - not mine or something to that effect.

    4. All the unpaid OC's - if you want to try simple not mine disputes since they are so old, thats up to you - just know that you risk "waking them up" and they may start trying to collect again.

    5. Don't do any negotiation with the CA's yet. Keep it simple. AFter all, HOW THE HECK ARE YOU GONNA GET HERE TO FILE SUIT?????? LOL - just found that thought funny.

    Finally, if I remember correctly, you are focusing on TU because thats who they use overseas. Or am I confused? TU has a nasty little habit of not allowing multiple disputes in 1 30 day period. For them, wait till you have all your CA validation letters that are on TU's reports delivered, then dispute everything you want on that report at one time.

    Now, if there's anything I left out, please be gentle on everyone's eyes! Thanks!

  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    jlynn, got it right.

    right now, concentrate on the simple... not mine disputes with the cra's and simple validations to the ca's I would not worry about the oc's right now, wait and see what comes from your cra disputes first>
  4. teresa

    teresa Well-Known Member

    jlynn, I know you are trying to help thanks for your patience...So I am going to focus on the CRA's right now, just do the not mine letters correct? I just don't want it to renig on me since I know who's they really are ya know? The only CA one I have is this current one I just received...(the only one that is not paid) and that I will send a validation letter too. Well about TU I am not sure...we will be leaving for the states in June so I just want to get this mess cleaned up as fast as possible, and I thank you for putting it in elementary terms for me.... :) So now I will just start my "not mine" letters to the CA's paid and unpaid, then once my green cards come back I will send not mines to the CRA's. See what is deleted then go from there. like I said jlynn thanks for all your help anything info. is great. I had also heard that almost anyone with a fico of at least 600 can get a home loan...have you heard anything like that? Cause if I can get my husbands up just 30 points he will be above the min. Thanks again...

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