My Social Security Number was stolen and I am just finding out now. I am 22 and have many delinquencies against my credit. I did not know about this until my first credit report today! We are talking thousands of dollars worth, all things I never signed up for (even a business loan!). I am a college student (very poor), and have no money to hire legal assistance. What do I do?
Definitely file a police report. Do you have an inkling on who might have done this? Could it have been a friend or family member? Either way, file the report, then contact all the CRAs to report identity theft.
Get copies of all 3 credit reports, file a police report for identity theft, and place a fraud alert on your credit reports. Then start notifying each fraudulent account creditor that their account is fraudulent, including a copy of the police report. Request all information they have on the account, such as copies of applications, to assist you in determining the extent of id theft. Also notify the CRAs which accounts are fraudulent, include a copy of your police report, and request removal. Send all letters CRRR, and keep copies of them, any replies, and every credit report you pull. You may be dealing with this for some time. See the FTC site for further information, and also file an id theft report with them.