I posted about this whole situation in the thread "I am living proof (LONG)". My question is: I paid a collection agency (that buys ALL medical collections for the state of NH, which is pretty much what we owe-meds.) I paid 1 for hubby that we thought were his. Come to find out they may not be his (original hosp. has no record of him owing). The total we paid that may not be his is $80. Hubby owes $587 for ANOTHER debt bought by same CA. If the CA can NOT provide any proof regarding $80 paid debt, can we force them to put that $80 towards the $587? Or would it be some lengthy court crap I have to go through. I faxed a letter yesterday requesting 1. proof of debt, containing valid sig. 2. statement stating what was paid (from us) 3. statement of what was owed. 4. proof that the original creditor received money from the CA, that we paid. I am hoping that after I have sent all my letters, that all I have to do is forward it to the CRA (TU is only one reporting) and poof it will be gone. I know a few people were trying to do this, has anyone had luck having the CRA's delete with your proof of the CA not validating? Even after it's paid? KHM
Ok so I pulled DH's worthknowing, and they have removed the $80 paid acct. in question. If they do not validate this account, can I ask for the $80 BACK or just keep my mouth shut. KHM