Hubby filed a small claims suit against a CA back in January, our court date isn't until at least August (haven't gotten the exact date yet, courts are slow). Anyway, about 2 months ago this CA deleted all their info off of TU and EQU, 2 on both of those reports, but they still have one reported on EXP (there was always only one, there). Hubby called EXP to dispute and they refused to cause it was verified. I (we) haven't dismissed the lawsuit, yet. The CA hasn't sent us anything saying they were deleting, and we didnt dispute with TU or EQU. Here's my dilemma, do we send a letter to the CA saying once they delete from EXP we will drop the suit? If we do this they may reinsert into TU and EQU. Or do we leave it be on EXP (no one really pulls them here). It's a paid CA from 3/99 for $130. His scores aren't bad and his #1 reason code is short history, he has only had credit since 1997.
Love- After I filed I sent them a letter offering to do that. I gave them 10 days to respond in writing and they never did. I'm just afraid of sending them a letter and them realizing it was deleted in error on EQU and TU.
You may find out something like I did. The CA might have had a deal to report to all three CRA's but sometime during the time your account was with them they lost their status with one of the CRA's and figured they didn't report it there. I would try and send another letter stating you'll drop the lawsuit for removing it from that last report and keeping it off all three. I had a CA do this. They said they removed it from my reports but when I questioned it the lady told me they didn't realize it was on my TU because they haven't used TU in years..
It's crazy that a CA can terminate it's reporting relationship with a CRA and then it's up to you to dispute the entry. If the CRA thinks your dispute is frivolous then they will ignore so the bad entry stays. This is another kink in the system that needs to be address in the law. I'm going through this right now and it bites.
This is another kink in the system that needs to be addressed in the law. Fat Jake ================== A con job is not a system. This rip off doesn't deserve the honor of being called a system any more than robbery, rape or murder does. -------It amazes me what a snow job the credit industry has done on the public and how thoroughly brain washed the consumer has become on this.
Re: Strange situation...what to do? LKH quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by lbrown59 -------It amazes me what a snow job the credit industry has done on the public and how thoroughly brain washed the consumer has become on this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It amazes me what a 1 track mind you have. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT YOU THINK. YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND US ON EVERY THREAD!!! YES I'M YELLING. =LKH == ========================= Newbies Don't.
It amazes me what a 1 track mind you have. EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT YOU THINK. YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND US ON EVERY THREAD!!! YES I'M YELLING. LKH =================== For some theirs are always derailed no matter how many tracks.
It would be different if he was wrong, but he is right and I'm glad he keeps reminding everyone. It is a scam and the largest one ever perpatrated on the American consumer. Bilions and billions of dolars go into the hands of Corporate America because of this fraud. When the money goes to Corporations it doesn't get redistributed into the hands of the consumers. Instead it goes into the pockets of a wealthy few. This is the cause of recessions. I don't mind paying interest, I don't mind putting up collateral, but damn it I want it to be fair and equitable. I support lbrown, most people elave after they get their reports cleaned up. CBJ
Well, my reports have been cleaned up for 6 months now and I haven't left. Even when I said I was going to leave, I couldn't. I'm addicted to this board. However, whether or not lb is right is not the point. The point is we don't need to see it 100 times a day. Some long time members have put him on ignore because they can't take it any longer. Others have asked him to use the quote feature properly so they can understand what he is saying, but he insists on doing it his way which is very difficult to understand. I also am almost to the point of putting him on ignore.
Ignore might be a option, but he does have some good comments once in a while. I have an ignore button in my head. I have to much to worry about to let the little things bother me. However, lbrown has helped me more than once so I think of him as valuable. I think he's nutswhen he says opt out of the creidt system (scam). Instead I think we need to continue to get new memebers and litigate, litigate, litigate the scam out of exsistance. Thee has to be a balance. I'm not sure what it is, as others have reminded me that it was much harder to get a loan before the CRA's. One thing I would change is the ability to report collection accounts. Only allow signitured accounts to be reported. No medical bills either. Judgements should not be reported, it's an intimidation tactic to keep someone from suing. Win or lose it goes on the report. BK's, foreclosures, reposessions, and charged-off credit cards, keep the 7 year limit. CBJ
Well, irrespective of whether he's right or wrong, let me muster the balls to just say the way I feel: lbrown59 drives me up the wall. His posts are worse than nails scraped across an antique blackboard. They're like water torture. There. I feel better. Mean. But better. Doc
Where is the unconditional acceptance require of the therapist. <big grin> As a good friend of mine reminded me once the root of therapy is "to nurse". <don't ask me, Im just repeating what he said> I asked him to break therapist into two words and get back to me. I think I hurt his feelings. Before I get bombarded I believe in therapy and happen to have 5 therapists taking chunks out of my wallet right now. A reunification specialist, one therapist each for my two daughters who were victims of parental kidnapping, a personal counselor and a marriage counselor. Gheesh. CBJ