I'm a longtime lurker, finally ready to begin fixing my credit. I've nothing deliquent, in any manner, in almost two years, and have recently opened two (crappy ones, but worth it to me) unsecured cards which are paid on time, in order to rebuild my credit. I've the following derogs and would appreciate (step-by-step) advice on how to go after these (and in which order). I have spent significant time over the last 3 weeks or so reading through old posts, but would still appreciate some "expert" advice <wink>. Here's what I have: Cap One chargeoff - CRAs indicates account went 30 days late in late 1999: amount charged off !$600 (interest raised the amount reported to ~$1200) Video store collection - Spring 2002: chargeoff of ~$75 (no idea where that came from...I'm sure I did it - this particular item shows TWICE) Cableco collection - Summer 2004: ~$100 (this one steams me, I moved and simply missed my final bill...) First Nat chargeoff - CR indicates it went 30 days in Spring 2002: ~$500 Car Loan (from manufacturer) - charged off the *last* $225 payment (which I'm pretty sure I paid) of a $5k loan: Spring 2003 Providian Chargeoff - 30 days in Winter 1999: ~$700 Thanks, in advance, for any and all advice.
Hi sticky! I'm no "expert", but ....... I had a utility bill like this (this is a utility, right?) that I didn't realize I owed until it showed up on collections. I just went right to the OC, and was able to just pay it, and get it off my record in a hurry. You might have to talk to a few people, first one I talked to told me it was too late since it went to collections, the next in line was more than happy to take my money to square things up. I paid, disputed it right away, and the next month it was gone. If you can afford the $100, I might give this one a shot first. Good luck!
Actually it was a cable bill, and I *swear* I had read here (at some point) to *never* call the OCs directly. Dunno why I thought that, but... Thanks to your advice, I JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH A COMCAST SUPERVISOR AND HAVE A FAXED COPY OF A PAY-FOR-DELETION (which I have, of course, now PAID!!!) I've never been so happy to spend $100 in my life!!! Thanks for the advice!!! 1 derog down!!! I must be becoming a credit-dork, because I am super-thrilled right now - off to go run a lap around the house doing my happy dance!
HURRAY!! I'm glad this worked for you! I can understand your thrill, I was pretty happy about mine, too! It "might" not always be wise to call the OC's, maybe depending on the circumstances? I did this twice, once with a local utility company, and once with Voicestream/T-Mobile. Both were relatively small bills, and I was ready and willing to pay them right away. The people were happy to help me, and very friendly. Sometimes, I think that THEY don't want to hassle with the CA's, either! They'd rather get the full amount owed than splitting it with someone else. Probably makes them look better to their bosses, too, when they can get this done this way. And good job on getting the letter of deletion. That's the "right" thing to do, which I neglected, but got lucky with. Again, congratulations, and I'm glad it worked for you! I'm sure that others will be along soon to help you with the rest. Take care, and good luck!