student loan consolidation discount

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I am entering into my grace period for student loans so I need to start looking for the best possible consolidation options in terms of interest reductions. Sallie Mae (and most lenders I've found) discounts .25% interest for auto pay and 1.0% interest reduction after 36 months of on-time payments. But this is not the best. For example, the Utah state lender, the Utah higher education authority, offers 1.25% interest reduction just for automatic payments and 1% after 48 months of on-time payments... unfortunately, I didn't go to school in Utah. My question is, does anyone know of other consolidation lenders who are offering such deep interest discounts? Are there others things I should be considering here?

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