Student Loan late pay strategy?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by das72071, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. das72071

    das72071 Well-Known Member

    I have found many excellent posts on this board regarding student loan rehab for defaulted loan but have had trouble finding suggestions on strategies for removing student loan late payments? Does anybody have any suggestions?

    I also read that now that USA Group is Sallie Mae that USA Group entries are not being verified if you dispute with the CRAs. Does anyone now if this is true?

    Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  2. leo728

    leo728 Well-Known Member

    I actually called them ( sallie mae), they said that late pays etc, will stay on your report for the full 7 years. But they where able to change my student loans from a paid collection to " paid in full" but the i5 will stay on the reports.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    ihave disputed with cra's around student loans where usa group was gurantor. the cra's claim that it was verified, however, sallie mae records no contact with cra's. the key is to make sure thy actually verify with sallie mae . they notate each inquiry made so you can find out if any inquired about your sl.
  4. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Das you can get a rehab from USA Group. They will allow you to make one payment, then you will be eligble for the rehab, but Make sure, and i mean make sure you don't miss any payment, or they will cancel the rehab and GARNISH YOU.... It happened to me, and they go straight to your HR department, they don't have to go thru the courts now... I paid my student loan off and before i did asked if they would remove the lates./O5... my report shows Paid in Full now instead of Paid Collection...

    The original company Unipac started it and who's now changed names and someone else has it... It also showed on as a sold acct with the delq and 05 rating. I disputed thru CRA, I guess they didn't verify due to being sold or whatever, becuase it's been removed....... Good Luck and make sure you don't get garnished by USA.. They are nice and friendly about the rehab until you miss one payment, and i think they want you to miss it to get you anyway....
  5. RxBigDaddy

    RxBigDaddy Member

    I have had all of my USA loans removed. My sallie mae loans were in default and I consolidated them and had them to verify them. They reported PAID as agreed. Sallie mae is very scattered as for as locations go and there is a very good chance that if you challenge them as NEVER PAID LATE they will change your pay history as they did mine.

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