First Time posting on this board, being reading Posts for few dates best Forum on the NET so Far.... Here is my Question.... I have a Student Loan status Curent W/ one 90 late.. I have contated the DOE on this matter and during the time I show being late I had a Forbedance requested and approved.. Due to Financial difficulties... The DOE sent me a letter statting that I was not Late due to the FORB. Contacted Experian by Mail to have this derogatory item remove and they didn't remove ..... What Else should I do???????? The Letter from the DOE should been enough to have remove it right???? EXPERIAN 624 Few lates and a Collection on the way to be remove...
Here is the person to talk to
Did you send the letter certified return receipt requested? I just went through the same thing with my student loans. I just disputed them as "never late" once i got the forbearance letter from us. dept of education. That was enough to get them to update the entries. I hope you sent them a copy of the letter and not the original. You could try calling, the cra and ask them why they did not update... you may get them to take care of it immediately. I would try that before sending them a second letter with copy of forbearance papers. If your student loan reports regularly, a simple dispute should work... i actually waited for about thirty days after i received the letter, to make sure everything would be in the system regarding my forbearance.
Well noe the DOE states that the forbearance was not aproved the first time during the 90 days I requested, and it was done the second request which I don't recall.. I do have their letter saying " This person was under a forberance request a this time". The CRA responded by Item still remain.... Should I talk to a Lawyer???// This is killing my FICO #.... Thanks
I don't think you need to talk to a lawyer. But for the future, send any correspondence to a cra by certified mail, return receipt requested. It doesn't matter when the forbearance was granted, only that it covers the time frame in question. You need to be clear, there is a difference between a forbearance request and the actual forbearance..... you should call and verify the dates of the forbearance and ask for a letter stating that. You can ask if they have update your account and have stopped reporting the lates. Then you can dispute to the cra's directly. Are you in a hurry, closing on a house or somethin....? If not, I would just dispute it directly with the cra, once again.... after making sure all my paperwork is in order with the lender.
Student loan servicers sometimes will give you a retroactive forbearance. Meaning you were already 90 days past due when it was approved, but they approved the forebearance for the period during the 90 day that you were past due. They do this because a forebearance with normally reset the past due status even if they give you a forbearance at 100 days past due. If it wasn't retroactive, you would actually end up with a forebearance that resolves the past due period prior to your request plus whatever extra time they allow pursuant to the forbearance request. Servicers hate to give you any more forebearance time than they have to. So, it is usually always retroactive. However, if you were past due before they grant your request (and they usually take their time and making you late), you still end up with the nasty stuff on your credit report even though it is retroactive. In order to solve this problem, you need to determine if they had a legitimate reason to deny your first forebearance request. Did your student loan debt ever default?
No... I was never on default... Actually I contacted them Before my payment was due ( car accident + wife in Hospital expecting Quads ) and requested the forbearance and was approved.. I will contact them again and request as much inf I can on this matter.. Thanks Mozilla for the info....
This matter is of some interest to me. I'm curious to know how long it took for the student loan servicer to deny your first request for forebearance and if they gave a reason for the denial. Also, who was the student loan servicer and creditor?
Mozilla: I don't recall the forbearance been denied at any time, I was told by a rep. at the DOE when I first disputed the 90 days late to the CRA, and came back with no change. I do have a letter from WILLIAM D. FORD FEDERAL DIRECT LOAN, stating that I was covered during those days. What should I do distputed to the CRA or the DOE. I have been reading also about the HIGHER EDUCATION ACT I think I'm protected by this also. Right????. Any thing else I can tell you feel free to e-mail me... I know Uniondiva and Girliegirl went thru the same but with success, why not me?????? Thanks PS any sample letters anybody on this matter???
The HEA defines forbearance certainly, but doesn't tell what date you had it granted to you. Have you read the HEA? I have posted the link in other threads regarding the specific section.
Yes I have Rockbottom. But my problem is that I have the letter from the DOE stating I was covered under the FORBEARANCE They will not removed it.. I sended only one letter to the CRA to investigated came back no change.. Every time I call The DOE depend on the person I get different story... I 'll try de ombusman today to see wha can they do.. also working one sending letters again to DOE and the CRA. to see what happens... Thanks for the reply ROCKBOTTOM...
JCANDEL, What did you mean when you wrote this, "the DOE states that the forbearance was not aproved the first time during the 90 days I requested." (sic) I'm totally confused. It sounds like the DOE was telling you that your first forebearance request was denied. What I want to find out in order to answer your question is a) when did you mail your request for forebearance, and b) when was it approved? If the loan servicer delayed approval making the debt 90 days late prior to approval, the problem stems from their failure to grant a timely forebearance. This strikes me as a valid reason for a dispute.