Hi, My Student loan has been passed to 2 different institutions. Same loan. The first one shows delinquent and says; Status: Claim filed with government. $852 past due as of March 2005. Status Details: This account is scheduled to continue on record until Oct 2011. I was offered a chance to fix things and The loan is now serviced by Another bank. The current one shows several $150 good faith Payments made and subsequent payments deferred until June and reads this way; Status: Open. Deferred, payments begin Jun 2009. Also; Status Details: As of Feb 2014, this account is scheduled to a positive status. Both of the above are on the exact same student loan. Is there a basis for removal of the first one and what letter should I use to get the first one removed? Also are the two tradelines two strikes for my FICO or just one because they are the same loan? Thanks