
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Om, Sep 15, 2001.

  1. Om

    Om Well-Known Member

    I tried to get this out in another thread but the focus was directed on my examples of prime rather than the question itself.

    What would be some good examples of "mid-prime" card? I guess maybe a good example from my experience would be CITI, although they may be considered prime, there seems to be a high approval rate for people in the mid 600's. What are some others for people that are looking to climb that next rung on the credit ladder?

  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    i cant get squat with 660 exp and 655efx scores.

    Only citi. I thinkciti id prime, and things like amex,mbna, etc are "more prime" or more like 680-700 min fico.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    WHO KNOWS???

    I can't get CITIBANK with 685-704 F.I.C.O.
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    But George, isn't that because you already have around $100,000 of open revolving credit lines already?


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    NOT $100,000 ANY MORE...

    But people with WAY LOWER F.I.C.O.'S get the card(s)...


    I had $100,000+++ when I only had $20,000 income...(BEFORE F.I.C.O.).
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    Interesting, George. Wouldn't we then guess that FICO isn't the sole criterion? I believe that $100k in revolving credit card debt would be a bit much even for Oprah Winfrey or Sam Walton. (Ok, maybe not them.) I'm suggesting that perhaps the huge amount of unused available credit would prevent most banks from awarding additional revolving loans to mere mortals.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    It's NEVER DENIED (INCOME) is too many open bank accounts...and...too many accounts with balances...and NO installment loan.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    It also TICKS ME OFF that perfect payment history since 1978 means NOTHING!!!
  9. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    Well, George, I guess they draw the line somewhere. I guess you'd agree that most people shouldn't have access to $100 million in open revolving credit, LOL. Somewhere between $1 and that silly figure is their limit, no matter how good your payment history, and I think you may have hit upon that limit. I realize amassing lots of credit cards is a fun thing to do (and maybe profitable too, if you play with rewards programs and the like!), but it appears like you're maxed out with respect to most banks at this point.

  10. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr

    I was "PLAYING" with them...DISCOVERCARD 1% cash back PAID IN FULL...if needed...0.00%-9.99% available if needed to "REVOLVE"...
  11. RichGuy

    RichGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Subprime...........?.........Pr


    Have you ever tried:

    Closing some of your bank credit cards?
    Paying in full the balances on some of your cards?
    Getting an installment loan?

    If these steps helped you get better cards, they could prove highly profitable. If, on the other hand, all your existing credit is at rates from 0% to 9.9%, then there may not be any better cards. Is your point that you can't get any cards worse than what you already have?

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