Hi Everyone...Been a lurker here off and on for about 2 yrs.Started to get serious 2 months ago. Disputed 3 items on my report,then validated,then disputed. 2 DELETIONS...1 UPDATED. I have 3 more neg accounts 1). Paid,closed account that shows 180 days late from 2004 - 2005 They will not remove and verified 2).Exxon Gas: Current had 2 x 30 day lates 3).Fireside Thrift: Car loan paid off in 2003 shows 2 x 60 How should I tackle these????
What actions have you taken on these negatives so far? I'd assume you've disputed these, how did you dispute?
I asked them the CA to VALIDATE the debt or remove.One gave me a lame form letter that had nothing to do with mine.Then 3 days ago my NEW Experian came back with the deletions..
Try disputing them through the credit reporting agencies in writing. Hit data fields which don't wash or are incomplete.