Well... it's a good step forward... Got my first two approvals in a long time... Chevron approval after calling me to verify my address (no idea of CL) & today I took the plunge and applied for a Target card. Target approved me for a 500$ CL, but the approval screen was confusing... said at first it was a Visa, then when it gave me the account # and credit line it said it was a guest card. Anyone had that happen before? The Card # is sixteen digits and begins with a 4, just like Visa... Also, have gotten my Mom to add me as an AU to her Amex Blue card - 13 years perfect pay history... hoping that will bump my scores up a bit. Citi took over my Amoco card and bumped my line from 300 to 500 too... so it's a good month Slowly but surely getting there... Scoob EX 591, TU 533, EQ 624
That's what I thought... a friend of mine told me that the Target Guest Card #'s usually begin with a 9... any Guest card people out there who can confirm?? And they did pull Equifax... just got the report and see the inquiry. Scoob
The same think happened to me yesterday. I called them, they said it must be a computer glitch, I was assured I had the Visa, cause like you said, the numbers are different. The rep said she'd report it. Anna
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO... confirmed it too... I registered it for online account management and the system took the info and told me it's a full VISA. My first unsecured in two years <happy dance> I'm thinking Target is looking for anyone at the moment.. but hey, it works for me! Scoob On the way up... Eq 634, Ex 591, TU 533
I'm in NJ & Chevron pulled TransUnion (one unpaid judgement <700-Bally's> and a Providian charge-off for 800 from '98) The rep called me and verified some of the info verbally - then said "Ok I'm approving you tonight... you'll have the card in a few days". Got it Saturday... 300 CL On Target, they pulled my EQ... currently a 634. No call, instant approval online. Scoob
I think you're right( about target wanting anyone), My girlfriend applied and she got 2500 limit at 12.9apr. And her credit was really bad. Charged off car, multiple judgements , unpaid student loans. etc etc. And also a providian card that was charged off 3 years ago. I have managed to clear up her report a little and most baddies are going to fall off in 2003.