Success Story & Thank You

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by frekwentfl, Oct 10, 2004.

  1. frekwentfl

    frekwentfl New Member

    I finally got a bogus item from a major cellular carrier removed from all 3 CRAs. I had disputed this item w/ all 3 *many* times in the past with no success. It was very obvious that the CRAs would just ask the OC if I owed the debt and OC would say "Yes". Investigation over.

    Thanks to the fantastic advice on this board, I sent a request for the procedures used to verify to each CRA as well as a validation request to the OC. I put some references to the FCRA, etc. in each request to let them know I was serious, but not so much to make it look like I was using a credit repair company. Sent all 4 letters certified mail.

    Ironically, I got just a generic reply from the CRAs within 2 weeks, nothing specific for that particular tradeline (which is what I originally asked for). This was kind of discouraging at first. But since I knew the OC could not verify the debt (b/c it didn't exist), I figured I would just send more requests to verify the procedures by stating that if the OC couldn't validate the debt, how could the CRAs?

    Well much to my pleasant surprise the OC had the tradeline removed from all 3 CRAs. This did not require any more activity on my part.

    To be honest, I'm a little worried because it seemed too easy. Can the OC come back later and put the TL back in once they've removed it?

    And just to show how ridiculous the entire system is, by removing this one TL, a collections account for a grand total of $393, having nothing else negative on my reports whatsoever, with 2 paid-off cars and a paid-off mortgage, and NO late payments on any credit cards or anything else whatsoever, raised my scores from 660 to 750. 90 points for ONE bad thing. In my life I've successfully paid off over $500,000 in various debts without being late once, but having one bad thing of $393 lowered my score by 90 points. I sure wish the government would regulate this industry practice better!!

    Anyways, I just wanted to thank those who've posted great advice in this forum and I hope my success story provides some hope for those of you still working on your credit. Best of luck...
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have you received anything from the OC? Or did the CRAs just remove due to no response from the OC?

    Some may differ, but I would want a response in writing from the OC that they have determined that the account is in fact not yours. If I was not getting responses from the OC, I would have filed complaints with the local BBB, my state AG, and PUC or FCC, depending on jurisdiction. Under FACTA, which is starting to go into effect, OCs must respond to disputes directly, regardless of whether you are also disputing thru the CRA.

    It is too easy to just not respond to a dispute, yet sell off an "account" to a succession of CAs who could care less if the account is legitimate. The liability for this, whether negligent or willfull, should be placed with the OC.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    In summary, CYA. You want a letter from the OC in your files to expedite correction should it be necessary in the future. The CRA system is designed to propagate the information in it, whether correct or not.

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