Well, I have had some partial success. But I'm not really sure how successful it is! Scenario: 1998 charge-off on credit card. Disputed at the time of charge-off but never reported as such. The other day I noticed the account had been assigned to a CA so I sent them a validation notice - no reponse. As I was new to this validation stuff - I sent one to the OC, also. Two weeks ago I received a letter from an attorney regarding the OC's account. I quickly sent them a validation request, also. Well, today I received two letters! The OC sent one stating that they have no info on the account so they would remove all info from my credit reports. The attorney also sent a letter that he was dropping all legal action as the OC could not find the information. This is all great! However....the CA has not responded nor removed their listing of the account. In fact, they have not even listed it as 'disputed'. So, here's my questions: 1. Do you think that the letter from the OC and the Attorney should be more than enough to get the CRA's to remove the account no matter what the CA states? (and yes, I sent a violation letter to the CA based on the letter I received from the CO. It went out today!) 2. As the CO has stated there is no information validating this account - will the collection attempts stop or will just the reporting of the account? Will they still try to collect on the debt without validation? Also, has anyone ever dealt with Receivable Specialists Inc and Discover? They have not responded to my last four letters - time to send intent to sue letter? They have at least 8 violations of federal and state laws.
That is teriffic news! Great job. 1. One would think huh...however the CRA's usually ignore this kind of evidence and state they only accept information directly from the reporting agent. Good news is you can send estopple letters to CA with copies of the 2 letters you received from the CA and the attorney that contacted you, and tell them that unless the account is deleted by each of the CRA's that the account has been reported to, you will sue for violations of the FDCPA since you have and letters that confirm that the OC has no information about the account. You don't even have to wait to file if you wish, because you have already sent disputes that were ignored and you can file suit for those violations. 2. If the collections do NOT stop you will just be building up the lawsuit...they SHOULD stop. Send C&D letters immediately as well if you have not already. No I have not had dealings with those companies but CONGRATULATIONS on your recent success. You should be happy you got those letters. The account will be updated soon enough now. Nice work! -Peace, Dave
Thanks Dave! This gives me a big boost to keep it up. I'm excited too. That attorney thing really scared me, even though the account is past the SOL. Now if I can just get the other ones fixed....
YES! I am dealing with Discover, TOO! They are reporting their tradeline but underneath, it says Sold to: NACC and gives the 1-800 number. I had been disputing with the collection agency to no avail and with the CRA's on BOTH. When I would get my "updated" report it would say "DISCOVER - REMAINS" and then it would say "Using the information provided the following item was not found: NACC" Come to find out, Discover is reporting FOR the Collection Agency. When I disputed with Discover the date of first delinquency with them and also told them that the Collection Agency would not answer any of my correspondance, they said that they no longer have this account and can do nothing about it. I explained to them that when I contacted the CRA's to see WHO was actually reporting this, they said DISCOVER! Discover said that they would NOT remove their tradeline until they are asked to do so by NACC because they didn't want to get sued. Is this screwed-up, or what?! One company is collecting and the OTHER one is reporting! mommyof3 - what's your story? Maybe we can collaborate? I couldn't email you with more info.
Wow she had another kid...that was fast. Sounds like it could be a GOOD story, I wanna hear too! LOL -Peace, Dave
Well...I can't really explain how it happened so fast... Keller - I'm not sure what to do at this point. At least you have heard from them. Haven't heard/seen a word yet. I would call the AG in their state regarding the double reporting for both companies - seems a little illegal and malicious. Each company should report directly not through another company - that could lead to total chaos. I'll check and see how mine is reported and let you know.
OKAY GUYS, YA'LL ARE TOO FUNNY! And, YES, I AM from Texas! Sorry, Momof2, I was getting MYSELF mixed up with you! ) The tradelines are STRANGE!! At first glance, the account is "totally" DISCOVER, and then, the notation at the bottom of this account says. . . SOLD TO: NACC 800-843-5196 (THE REAL NUMBER!) Want their fax#? Here it is. . . 716-848-4200 Momof2, have you happen to speak with someone by the name of Ms. Britt? Don't you love it that no-one gives you their "first" names in this industry? Or, if you have their "first" names, they won't give you their last? It's all INCREDULOUS!
1*Yes I do! 2*No it's not. It's to protect their employs from being harmed! My wife worked for the fed.gov. before retiring. The employs were instructed never to give their full name to callers. I'm glad they had this policy as I would not want some cook to call in there get her full name and use it to track her down and cause her physical harm or other problems.
I know, Ibrown. It's funny how you liken the people that work for the CRA's to someone who works for the FEDS. LOL Like THEIR(cra's) jobs are JUST as important! ) Just as DANGEROUS, maybe, but just as IMPORTANT, naw. I'm not making "fun" of "you", I know exactly WHY they do it! Even someone considered "sane", like myself (don't ask my hubby), would LOVE to find the little "YAH-HOOS" and wring their necks after HOLDING ON THE PHONE FOR 10 MINUTES AND THEN GETTING "HUNG UP" ON just because I am asking them to DO THEIR "JOBS"!!! Ibrown, just wanted you to know, just in case you thought I was being insensitive. I wasn't. I have a couple of friends who work for the CIA, so I "DO" understand what you meant. )
I know this question has gotten off track, but I believe when you are dealing with the general public in any type of service capacity, it is wise not to give your last name. When I worked in the ICU, I was threatened by patients and families. Can you believe a family member would threaten to beat your a** for not giving their parent/sibling a glass of water, when you are trying to take care of an unresponsive patient on a ventilator? Most of the nurses I worked with covered their last name on their ID badge with electrical tape. We are living in an angry, nutball society.
I'm with those of you who think these people are smart. I know a lot of places where the crs's use aliases. *Especially* with the frustration we deal with in trying to get things corrected, I would think they have a pretty high risk. Seriously...can you really not see someone who is fed up with the system going after them??? In our local paper today a guy was sentenced to 19 years in prison. He had just gone through a nasty divorce, lost his job and his mom died. He went over to a friend's to borrow a gun because he wanted to kill himself. The friend wasn't home, so he broke in and stole two shotguns and drove off to find a deserted place to do himself in. On the way, he hit another car then he stole a car at gunpoint from a lady who stopped for the accident. Things just esculated. Anyway...my longwinded point being that we as a society are really stressed and these things happen. Better safe than sorry I would think. L's two cents...
...not want some cook to call in there get her full name... ARE COOK'S RUNNING WILD NOW??? DINNER GONE WRONG??? THE FOOD CRITIC HAD IT OUT FOR HIM???
Keller, It's ok, I'm from Texas, too. I got the picture. And yes, it's crazy that we have come to the point where we only give our last name for safety reasons. I haven't talked to Ms. Britt. My person goes by their three initials! Now that's sad. Still haven't heard anything from them. Thanks for the number. I'm going to try it this weekend. I did speak with a friend who used to be in the legal department of a collections firm. It is amazing how differently they interpret the laws. They don't care and supposedly laugh at some of our request. Oohhh, I would really like to see someone 'legally' open their eyes to the laws.
Mommyof2 :0) & Lizardking: This just adds a different scenario to this post . . . ***Is this legal? Because if it is . . .These guys are smart to have "out-smarted" us! *** I also have a charge-off account (Discover). It was sold to: NACC (Great Lakes Bureau). I have been disputing it for the past 2 months through NACC. 1st month (January) came back verified through Discover. On the front page it stated: "USING THE INFORMATION PROVIDED, THE FOLLOWING ITEM WAS NOT FOUND: NACC" 2nd month (February) came back verified the SAME EXACT WAY! I did not dispute DISCOVER. I disputed NACC "BOTH" times. Yet, they could not find NACC, (it's written underneath the DISCOVER tradeline), but they verified the Discover account that sold this account to NACC, so they MUST have been able to find NACC if they were able to "ASSOCIATE" the two together. Please help me understand this: If Discover SOLD this account,how are they able to verify "FOR" NACC? The account is due to come off in 10-2002, in 6 months. However, I am going "NO DOC" on a mortgage application in July and need this to come off now. I spoke with Discover, but they won't talk to me because they don't own the account anymore and said that NACC has all of the information. But, THEY'LL VERIFY IT FOR NACC! So, in other words, I have been just "SPINNING" my wheels for the past 2 months trying to verify with NACC. I have sent validation letters to NACC who have ignored them. I am STUCK here. I told Discover that NACC will not help me. Discover said that they would NOT remove their tradeline unless NACC told them to, or they could get sued. Sued for what?
One other thing, sorry. Should I send a letter to the OC like Mommyof2 did and hope that they will say or do the same thing? Mommyof2. Which letter did you send the OC? I would like to see the verbage used to write my own if it worked so well for you. Thanks, Keller