Successful reconsiderations

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by QUEEN_BEE, Dec 31, 2001.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I would like to hear from those who successfully got accounts/cards through reconsideration. Please include:
    1. Reason for denial
    2. Your rebuttal
    3. Other credit info that weighed on their decision.

    Look forward to hearing from you!!!
  2. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Citibank and MBNA

    Reason for denial: past or present delinquent accounts.

    My defense: these were medical collections resulting from when I was a minor. (no one ever asked about the damn library fine or CrapOne).

    Other factors: GPA, college attendance, length of employment, current on all legitimate accounts.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    They considered your GPA when giving you the card????
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Not enough income, I called and added hubbys income, I also had a charge off still showing that was to be deleted and I offered to fax over a letter saying it shoudn't be on there. Plus they said my length of employment was "off-setting" the charge off.
  5. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    MBNA apparently did. The lady was reluctant but asked what my GPA was. I told her (it was 3.95 then) and she was shocked. She verified that, my school attendance, and employment info and gave me a $500 card.

  6. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Creditor: MBNA
    Denied their Fidelity Quantum card but sent a nice "Gimme a chance" letter via PFB (w/ encouragement from Author_22) 2 months later.

    1. Reason for denial: Not sure of the exact reason they gave BUT probably because I had 2 paid student loan collections, a paid auto chargeoff, and a satisfied judgment. So basically...paid negatives.

    2. Your rebuttal: Wasn't me! :p Actually it really wasn't me. The judgment and the auto chargeoff where due to my ex. The only thing that was mine were the student loans that never should of went to collections to begin with...I had consolidated before it got to that but I guess they didn't seem to think so.

    3. Other credit info that weighed on their decision: The guy was impressed and inquired about my Citibank Classic Visa that I've had since 1992. He wanted to know if I still had that card (which I do). He was also impressed at the limit of credit Citibank has extended me. But most was the Classic Visa that had his attention.

    Also...he inquired about my Fidelity account and wanted to know approximately how much money I had in there. He was impressed by that as well. All he requested was that I send him a copy of my Fidelity statement which I did ASAP (printed it on-line). He called me back and approved my account...not for the Quantum one but for the Fidelity Platinum Plus MC with a limit of $5500.

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