Sued - the inevitable has come.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by karenb1, May 6, 2005.

  1. karenb1

    karenb1 New Member

    I've recently been served in regards to a Disc.over account in the amount of 5k, within California's SOL. The OC is named as plaintiff, and with them being known for suing, I'm a little frightened and in need of some help.

    I will be filing a written response to the summons with the court in two weeks time, but in the meantime, was looking for some guidance.

    Do I have time for a DV to be sent out? I would love for a deal to be made with all negative lines to be removed, but when is a good time and how does this take place? What does the timetable look like for me based on what you have witnessed/experienced? Any other action items for me?

    Thanks SO much for any help you can give me in my time of need. I will be checking back frequently and replying with anything info you need from me.

    I will be spending my time searching and searching for threads similar to mine, any offhand links/search terms would be great.

  2. betterbaby

    betterbaby Member

    some one once told me recently that if they have served you it is too late to do a DV and that I should work out a settlement. Maybe some one will inform us of something other wise
  3. wizzard

    wizzard Active Member

    Dear KB:
    Bk is a possibility. 5k is not a lot of money.
    How are the rest of your accounts?

    If you need a plan to payoff the CC go to community groups
    moneytalk How to payoff CC(The right way).


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