Last October I got an auto loan with Household Finance. I have made 7 consecutive payments on this high rate interest loan. Does anyone know of a company that would do a refinance for me. My credit scores are in high 500s.
I'm not sure if it was household or not, but someone had mentioned getting a hold of a rep. at household and asking them what the payoff for your loan is, slip in that you are (not thinking, but you ARE) going to refinance with another company and you need the payoff amount. Again I'm not positive if it was household, but I think it was. I guess someone got them to lower their rate. Any takers here?
Yes, I did this.. and told them I was refinancing at 5% lower... well they said they would consider me for a re-fi to keep my business.. they denied me after looking at my credit once again... so no deal... but you might try... My loan was a year old with perfect payment history, I usually pay extra and have a lot of equity in the car, my scores are probably mid 500s right now... but, denied... it seems re-fi on a car loan is not easy... Now I am paying the loan down to about 5k... may try with Credit Union since car is worth at least 15k.