Good work woops.. that's really what I'm pushing for is at least a reasonable settlement, my goal is 50% percent or below. But I feel that won't begin until they know they aren't getting the default judgement. I've also started firing off some validation letters, I'm aiming for one per week, and by the end of next week when they know I've responded I might start sending settlement letters too. I would think the fact that in Fl, they can not garnish a head of household, should be a strong arguement for them to settle, but who knows what will happen! I will post it.. Thanks, mike
Agreed. In fact along with a few of the finer points of your well prosed response, I've got 2 or 3 others I'm combing for the most applicable points. Though at this time my personal favorite is the unlcean hands response! Just cause it sounds cool and I'm actually entering it in a legal doc.. mike34..