T U Reporting A Tax Lien

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nkneed, Mar 5, 2005.

  1. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

    On 12/23/04 I disputed some items with TU, one was
    a tax lien that I stated was not my account. I rec'vd
    another credit report that showed the tax lien had been removed on 1/22/05. On 2/16/05 I had my credit pulled with a realtor. They sent me information stating they had pulled from First American Registry, INC., and they attached a copy of a TU credit report. This report from TU is still showing a tax lien. I did some leg work, and I found out through my court docket information that this was a lien that was placed against my husband for back child support. TU has been reporting this for several years against my ss#. I immediately contacted TU on line, and in letter format, telling them it is a violation to be reporting inaccurate information that is clearly not my account. My husband's information should have never been linked to my credit files, since we have been seperated for several years, and the court information states that his attorney filed and satisfied this lien against him. I had no knowledge of this transaction, nor had I been contacted by anyone concerning a court case. I am riding out the 30 days waiting for a response from TU concerning this. My next step with a response or no response is to file a suit against them since this was a very strong negative reporting against me that contributed to me being denied credit.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    I think you are on the right track. Build a good paper trail, give them the opportunity to correct, document their failures, document actual damages, and if they can't, and sue when you have no other choice.

    Since it was removed in response to your dispute, did they send you notice that they reinserted within 5 days of reinserting? Have you verified that a report (paper, not on-line) pulled directly from the CRA shows the erroneous tradeline, not just a tri-merged report compiled by a third party?
  3. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

    thanks, for your comments.

    My documentation has started. Rec'vd a ltr from TU today, but it is not what I expected, since I disputed
    other items, and sent the letter concerning the tax lien. The ltr they sent me today stated that they will not reinvestigate the item (s) unless I provide court papers or a recent, authentic ltr from the creditor (s) that explain what information should be updated. TU considers my dispute to be frivolous. If I disagree with the results I can submit a 100 word statement, ...... or contact the creditor directly.

    They listed my county court house to contact concerning their source of information.

    I did not rec'v anything stating they were reinserting it within 5 days. I have a copy of a TU credit report that was pulled by First American Registry Inc, and a court document with a docket number.
    First American Registry, Inc is a company that is used mostly by Property Managers. I did not know that realtors use it. Does this mean that I should dispute this with the F.A.R.Inc too.????

    TU is trying to skate around the issue that they reported inaccurate, false and erroneous information in my file. This is truly not frivolous. It seems like whenever they are at fault, and don't want to admit they are at fault, then it is frivolous. If F.A.R.Inc is using the reporting services of TU then, TU should correct and update their information that they supply to the Registry.

    I have to regroup, and figure out my next step.
    I need help with this one.

    I did rec'v a ltr from a collection company that stated they would delete from all 3 CRA's, as a result of a validation ltr I sent them.

    This is my first attempt to straighten out my c r. and I'm elated about this deletion. This is success.

    Do you know how many points you lose on your credit score from a tax lien????
  4. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

  5. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

    Nkneed..........is truly in need of help.


    I know there are some very savvy credit experts out
    there. I joined this site for help because there was
    great information here.

    Give me some feedback, agree, disagree, suggest,
    protest,....... ....... Give me something.

    The statement that they consider this frivolous is stressing me.

    Should I contact them again, if so how long should I wait before I contact them again. I do not want to
    send my court document to them, because they should have verified this with a court document before they reported it to my credit report.
  6. Nkneed

    Nkneed Member

  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    From what I know TU sends out the "frivilous" letter to most everyone that disputes anything with them.
    Stick to your guns!
    Make sure they understand in writing what is wrong with their entry on your report.
    If TU says that the information is verified, then you need to send a "procedures" request to them and have them document how and by whom this particular information was verified. You have to keep disputing this, every time ramping up your action until you will get tough and send them an intent to sue letter, and if they don't correct, file a lawsuit !

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