Finally got Transunion "Tab"!!. Bumped off at least 6 inq. Raised score by 10 pts. Now it's time to order my report by mail to see if it affects the hard copy as well. humblemarc
I'm assuming you do mean "hard's" How does bumpage work when they separate the inquiries between 1.Hard 2. Promotional 3. Account Review. When you pull a report online, it is listed under the A/R how does it get bumpage in the hard category.. If is so, about how many A/R, hards did you have on there before you noticed bumpage?
I have 132 inquiries all together 16 Hards (5 are from transunion) 19 Account Review and 97 promotional. So far nothing bumped off, but I will keep trying.
Let's see. I pull TU online report (soft inq.) at least 2 times a day, sometimes more. I pull Worthknowing report 3-4 times a week. All inquiries are under the "soft" section, but only the hards fell off! I have a total of 40-50 soft inquiries. I hope this answers your questions. humblemarc