Taken in Handuffs// Experian Scheme

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nestea, Jan 23, 2003.

  1. Deven

    Deven Well-Known Member

    Re: The fraud part

    There are ways you address employee fraud and if indeed Experian "walks them out" in the manner described about they are probably open to any number of potential lawsuits.

    Most firms that I'm aware of would meet the employee with someone from thier law department as well as human resources and his direct management. He might get escorted or walked out but if they were to have him handcuffed they better have a 100% case or they are open to major lawsuit.
  2. Buckets

    Buckets Well-Known Member

    Re: The fraud part

    You might be right, but it's not the company that is handcuffing the individual. It's the police department. I would think the onus is on the police department to determine if a crime has been committed and if the evidence that is presented to the police officer or detective determines that a felony has been committed, they will escort them from the building, often wearing handcuffs depending on the policy of each individual police department. Now, if the information presented to the police department is not factual, incorrect and/or not substantial enough to warrant dismissal, the company will have much larger legal worries than just the fact the employee was removed from the office by the police department in handcuffs.

  3. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Re: The fraud part

    It is standard police procedure to handcuff anyone who is taken into custody. My cop friends in NYC tell me that . It does not matter who when where or about. You go in the back seat you get the bracelets.
  4. JTrain

    JTrain Well-Known Member

    Re: Taken in Handcuffs// Experian Scheme

    Just My Subjective Take on All of the Above:

    Handcuffs Issues -
    Usually by the time they resort to the handcuffs issue, they have gathered enought evidence and/or set traps for the employee. Experian is too slick to accuse an individual and not have a paper or electronic trail.

    Credit Theft in General -
    The system is blatantly flawed. There is too much access to individual personal information. Until we lobby our politicians and/or devise another system of access, then we will all continue to pay the price for increased fraud in the form of more "service charges and fees" as companies try to recover their losses. Using a SSN as the key security identifier is continuing to ask for trouble.

    I think consumers should be allowed to assign a user-defined pin to their credit file that is changeable at any time. The only way a credit application could be taken, is if the pin is entered. Also, a consumer should be able to get a list of pin usage online or by telephone without having to pay a stupid "credit watch" fee.
  5. oz

    oz Well-Known Member

    Re: Taken in Handcuffs// Experian Scheme

    That is great idea or at least a consumer should have this option..
    I think consumers should be allowed to assign a user-defined pin to their credit file that is changeable at any time. The only way a credit application could be taken, is if the pin is entered. Also, a consumer should be able to get a list of pin usage online or by telephone without having to pay a stupid "credit watch" fee

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