Taking small first steps

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by yappat, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. yappat

    yappat Member

    I sent my first DV letter yesterday, by CMRRR of course, to Firstsource Advantage, CA collecting on charged off Cap1 CC. I also sent off for my free credit reports from TU and Equifax (already have Experian).

    On my Experian report there are several old addresses, one that I haven't lived at in 20 years. My current address isn't even on the report. My first step there will be to send them my correct address and request old addresses be removed. Is there any reason they wouldn't remove them?
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Unless the old addresses are incorrect, you may have trouble getting them removed. They're on your reports as a record of past residences.
  3. dstyles

    dstyles Well-Known Member

    yappat, if you dispute the addresses as not yours they should come off.

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