I talked to an attorney (I got his name and # from Bud Hibbs) in DFW today concerning my daughter getting sued by her apartment complex. We sent out the validation, estoppel (2) and C&D. They sued her for breaking the lease. He made one phone call to the ca's attorney and got the lawsuit dropped and the tradeline deleted. He called me on my cell and we talked forever. He said that Swazck (SP) is one of the top 3 FCRA/FDCPA guru attorneys in the country, one in Portland won a 5.3 million dollar judgement and one in Austin. I just wish that I wasn't in traffic so that I could have concentrated on what he was saying, but he said that he would call me tomorrow. He did say that he can get about 5k per inquiry. I'll ask more in detail, because there was a lot of static. He said that he had dinner with Bud Hibbs two days ago. The call made my day and he just pored out the info non stop. Charlie
Charlie, See if you can record the conversation. That way you can go back through it and really pick out the nuggets.
Bud Hibbs has been fighting CA's and debt collectors for more than 20 years and is somewhat regarded in the southwest as the expert. The attorney told me that Providian was his favorite opponent last year making him 300k, and he is really fond of NCO he thinks that they are total idiots. He said that he should own stock in Tandy(Radio Shack), because he tells people that are getting harassing CA calls to go to Radio Shack buy a phone recorder and call back the CA and say, "Did you really mean what you said the other day?" That's when the CA says yes and adds more BS which inturn puts automatic money in the clients pocket. I asked him about the TU inquiries and he told me about the guy in Austin. What's funny is that I was in Austin when he called me. I'm going to call the Austin guy up today and get an appointment for next week for the TU inquiries. Charlie
I love Budd Hibbs. I downloaded his book (which is free, BTW) a few years ago. That's when I realized that my credit reports were so screwed up. Reading his book is also a great way to realize when you've been "screwed minus dinner and drink" by the collection agencies. I paid several accounts off that were within months of the statute of limitations right before downloading Budd Hibb's book. He's great! Sirrowan
Could you please email me his #? I have a situation that might interest him regarding inquiries, etc. Could be a good money maker!!! Thanks Sirrowan
Would the Attorney be interested in a class action suit against RMA - I know of atleast 5 memberrs here that have been inundated by random inquiries - its obvious they are doing it just to kill they're scores. -Sal
sal826, Send me an e-mail with the specifics of RMA violations. I had a problem with them, but I got the tradeline deleted. I then had to call EQ and ask them to delete 4 inquiries. They were deleted within 48 hours. I will copy the email and take it to the attorney when I go. I'm trying to get an appointment with him today for next week. I want to discuss TU's failure to notate an item in dispute and refusal to dispute inquiries. Charlie
Hey Charlie, PLEEEZ ask this critical question. In the case of sold account: If CA1 sells to CA2 is it REQUIRED by law that CA1 delete the derog from the CR, since they no longer have the account? In the case of assigned account: If CA1 'returns" the account back to the OC aren't they REQUIRED to delete since they no longer have the account? If so where's the law that covers that. We have tons of people with multiple listings from successive, multiple CA's.
Oh Oh Oh MEEEEEEE, I have a question!!! Is a fax held in the same regard as CRRR? As long as the fax has the confirmation page???
I am looking for a good FDCPA Attorney, I have racked up several suits and am in SO CAL. I don't think these should go to small claims. You name the problem with the CA and the CRA I have had them.
in regards to RMA,, I have this cat and mouse game going on, My whole inquiry page from equifax is nothing but ( except 3 other hards) my pulls instantly then a REA-RMA pull, it didnt take long to realize that as soon as I pull my credit, RMA is triggered ( equ and RMA joined at the hip) Its really crazy, just me then them,,, my question is,, when I look at the FICO score explainer, it says that only the three hards ( not RMA) are hurting me,, for 12 months,,, so can I consider the RMA BUll sh..... the funny thing is,, they did this pull after me on a sears acct THEN wham it stopped when their Sears entry fell off,,,,, now they are doing just for Chase,, the joke is they pull it ( a total of 78 times this yr alone,, its automated,) but under their tradeline, it says UNABLE to locate consumer since 1/1999 last updated 1/1999... I just wonder if it does really hurt my credit,,,, thanks
From what I remember, a CA if they sell it must list as CLOSED and 0. Then the new CA can list the amount and what not..
78 times wow. Pull your report like 2 times a day for the next month. They cannot pull your report an excessive amount of times and I think they have already gone overboard but it would look great in court if you had them pull 60 times in 1 month. hahaha. think of the amount of the lawsuit.
yep,, I have the equifax unlimited thing for 70 bucks,, I have pulled 78 times this yr,,, instant inquiry from me, and then right under one from them,,,, its automated,,, I figured since the FICO thing only includes three hards from the last 12 months as damaging,, I wouldnt care, and when the chase entry falls off 3/2003 it will end like with sears,, anyway, if they ever looked into these non stop pulls, and come after me saying the SOL is tolled because they " claim consumer unable to be located" I have 78 proofs HAHAHAA as of today, they were pulling during before SOL expired, they had my real address for yrs and did nothing, OH yah,, does anyone know if RMA has a relationship with NCO ?? I know equifax check collecting does,, and equifax,, but you know the way gulf state is OSI;; is there anything between RMA and NCO thanks guys,,,, k