Doris K mentioned that she shops at Target and Walmart. I know Doris likes value and is affluent. So does anyone know how hard it is to get credit at either of these 2 stores? And do they report to the 3 CRA's?
RE: Target and Walmart credit I did not know that Wal-Mart had a credit card program? I did obtain a K-Mart card through Capital One, very easy approval. I have applied for Target in the past, and have yet to be approved (though I have been approved for many other cards...). Target is pulling my worst report though.
RE: Target and Walmart credit Target is pretty easy to get, they gave me a $900 limit with an unpaid collection on my report. I heard Walmart is easy too.
RE: Target and Walmart credit If Walmart is the same as Sams Club card, they gave my husband $800 instant credit in store with 2 charge offs listed on his report.
RE: Target and Walmart credit Waaaah! I attempted to get a Target card last year and was DECLINED. However, in the same month, I got that $200 Cap One card that I was whining about last week, and a (yucky) First Premier. Go figure! I would have been happy with even a $200 limit card at Target. I have found many great values at that fact, I must admit that shopping there is somewhat of an addictive, guilty pleasure for me (LOL!!!). Anyway, I believe they pulled my Experian, which is currently my worst report. I was planning to wait until later this year and try again. Guess I'd better not try for Wally-World.... Cheers, Cindy
RE: Target and Walmart credit I got that one too. They both pulled my Equifax. It has a collection acct. I'm disputing. Elec bill my ex stuck me with. Maybe they don't look at utilities.. Who knows?
RE: Target and Walmart credit Cindy, did you try on-line? You get instant approval with your acct. number if you qualify. Target does have some great stuff. We don't have one in our area yet, but sometimes when we travel, I like to shop there. Nice to have thier card for must have stuff.
RE: Target and Walmart credit Jamie, Yep, I did try online, actually. An instant denial kinda stinks, but at least you don't have to wait in suspense for weeks. Since my credit troubles began a few years ago, I avoid those in-store instant credit booths because of a bad experience I had once at a baseball game ;-) in Atlanta, we pronounce it "Tar-zhay"! I just got a really kewl pair of shoes there for $4.. even the salesclerk was impressed.... Cheers, Cindy
RE: Target and Walmart credit That sounds very impressive, up-scale. Its like Sallys for Salvation Army. HeHeHe
RE: Target and Walmart credit I don't think of myself as affluent--just a bitter old woman who took her ex-husband to the cleaners. I just find Wal-Mart and Target sensible enough for my tastes. A pair of granny panties from Wally World serves me just as well as a pair from Neiman-Marcus and costs a whole lot less! I don't have either of their cards, but my daughter had the Target card until just recently. She had quite a few negatives on her reports when she got it. They do report to all three CRAs but not until you use it for the first time. To add one nice note about the Target card, when my daughter cancelled it recently, the rep told her that if she wants, she can instantly reactivate the card at any Target service desk or by calling customer service at any time within the next three years. I've never heard of such a thing before, but it could be helpful for those who need to boost their FICO temporarily while applying for a mortgage or some other major credit purchase.
Thanks Doris K. Yours is the forst post I have read here that I actually laughed and laughed at. Well LOL. thank you.
RE: Target and Walmart credit Me too, Cindy. Target pulled Experian on me (what a dirty trick to pull!) and turned me down flat. I live in Arizona, by the way. Experian is my worst report, plus there was a fraudulently redated collection that made it appear I had defaulted about five months prior to applying. Maybe a collection over a year old would have made less difference. Target screens for excessive inquiries, too. I had about 9 in the previous year (a one year standard was mentioned in my rejection letter) but 4 of them were bogus hard entries from a collection agency. I thought I had only 5 and was unpleasantly surprised to have inquiries mentioned as a reason.
RE: Target and Walmart credit I agree. The theory of "Anyone w/ a pulse can get Target's" was proven wrong. Saar
RE: whats so great about these Cash back? Lower than 19.8% interest rate? I fail to see the point of an affinity card unless there is some promo better than your visa card?
RE: whats so great about these These are store cards, not affinity cards, which are Visa/MC/Amex cards with rewards, to the cardholder or to some nonprofit group, for the cardholder's spending. Retail and gasoline cards are great for: Increasing number of open accounts, when first building credit. Doing so without obnoxious annual fees, or heaven forbid monthly fees and acceptance fees. Taking the load off of your bank cards, allowing more purchases outside of those particular stores or gas stations. Reducing utilization ratio by increasing overall available credit. Reducing average cost of credit for people with subprime cards. There are people to whom credit at a popular store, at an interest rate below 22% and with no annual fee, is credit heaven, the best credit they've ever had. Your girlfriend found her Macy's card quite useful in building up to a Citibank AAdvantage card. Neither card is genuinely prime, but both are a nice change from genuine subprime cards.
RE: whats so great about these According to Fair Isaacs' FTC presentation, the mere holding of a department store card increases score. For that reason, holding exactly ONE store card is best. Holding more than one would be counter-productive, since it will increase the number of open revolving tradelines. Saar
RE: Target and Walmart credit If you life someplace where they have a Dayton Hudsons or Marshall Fields, you may be able to get an option where you can use that card a Target. I have a Hudson's card and they did that for me. Have $300 limit at Target. Love the store.
Atlanta?? Cindy, what part of Atlanta? I am also from Atlanta. Reshod And Tarzhay is correct LOL Cindy wrote: ------------------------------- Jamie, Yep, I did try online, actually. An instant denial kinda stinks, but at least you don't have to wait in suspense for weeks. Since my credit troubles began a few years ago, I avoid those in-store instant credit booths because of a bad experience I had once at a baseball game ;-) in Atlanta, we pronounce it "Tar-zhay"! I just got a really kewl pair of shoes there for $4.. even the salesclerk was impressed.... Cheers, Cindy
RE: Target and Walmart credit WAL*MART offering for card holders with purchase of $200.00 or more...0% for 3 months (IF YOU MAKE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM PAYMENT). There is one has to be on one purchase (THE SIGNED RECEIPT HAS TO SAY $200.00 OR MORE).