Target and Walmart credit card

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Angela, Feb 1, 2001.

  1. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member

    Good prices at these stores.

    See Richguy's post regarding the credit advantage.

    Both stores are near me, but I suspect that I would be turned down due to my BK.
  2. Mike

    Mike Well-Known Member

    RE: Target and Walmart credit

    can some one post web address for target and wal-mart online app.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    RE: Target and Walmart credit


    CALL 1-800-WALMART

    Or get one at your register when you check out...
  5. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    RE: wazzup atl.

  6. Doris K.

    Doris K. Well-Known Member

    RE: whats so great about these

    I don't have any use for most of them, but they are good to have when building or rebuilding credit and decent major credit cards are still hard to come by.

    Currently, I have two store cards that I use occasionally. The Goodyear card and the American Airlines Credit Card are nice because they offer the 90-days-same-as-cash deal. I normally pay off all my balances every month to avoid interest, but with these cards, I can hold out a little longer without worrying about the huge interest rates being tacked on.
  7. Cindy

    Cindy Well-Known Member

    RE: Atlanta??

    I'm up N. of 285 between Norcross and Duluth. But IMHO the Buckhead "Tar-zhay" is the best in town. Love that escalator!

  8. Cindy

    Cindy Well-Known Member

    RE: Target and Walmart credit

    RichGuy wrote:
    >Me too, Cindy. Target pulled Experian on me
    >(what a dirty trick to pull!) and turned me
    >down flat. I live in Arizona, by the way.

    Ah, that daggone Experian. While I _have_ gone from 24 bad items to 12 bad items w/them in 2 years of rebuilding, they are still my worst report by far.

    >Target screens for excessive inquiries, too.

    Hmm. That might have been some of the problem with Target as well. I do have quite a few positive tradelines.

    Guess I'll just have to be patient on this card. I was hoping to free up some space on my other cards, as I am (obviously) a frequent shopper at Tar-zhay.

  9. William Wa

    William Wa Guest

    RE: whats so great about these

    Typically they have longer grace periods for purchases as well.

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