Back in Dec 01 I applied for this card, I got denied for the Visa but got the Target store card. I just applied again for the Visa, my score difference now is about 65 points higher than it was then. I got the "your app requires further processing" is this good or bad? Do they offer BT's? How generous are they with initial CL's?
That happened to me when I got declined (but I was applying only for the Target Guest Card.) I did a search on here at that time and was able to find a phone number to call and check on the status. The rep wouldn't tell me anything except that it was declined. I think some people get 'need more processing' but if they have some kind of ref number to check back with then that can be a good sign. Maybe somebody else has more info.
Ahhhh that makes sense, when I applied last time I didn't get an instant denial on the Visa, but I didn't get a refernce number this time I DID!!! If I get this, my fingers will be forbidden to apply for anything else, til 2005, when my last neg. comes off!
i got denied, i used the old "equifax" dispute anything remotely negative to your report and raised my score from 677 to 683 and got approved instantly.. it works...
Khm, Why wait til 2005? Have you given up on disputing? I would try what sam said. I put up a thread on disputing everything on your report, and I got no negative feedback. Try it, it won't hurt. Charlie
charlie could you direct me to the thread about disputing everything on your report? i would like to see what you did sorry for interupting your thread on target visa peace, jimrie
Charlie- The last item is a Cap one R5, it was an R9, but I PFB'd Mr Cooke and that was what he offered cause it was settled and NOT PIF. I tried twice after it was changed and both times it went back to an R9, so I'm not gonna risk it. My scores are good enough for a mortgage and that was my Long term goal, so now it's just save for a large down payment and pay my current bills on time all the time.
Jimrie, I just asked the ? if it worked for other people overall response was yes. Good luck!!
KHM, I had an R9 with Cap 1. I disputed it to a R5 open. I haven't figured out yet which route to go next. What about having Cap 1 validate? Have you tried that route? Charlie
Charlie- I've thought about, but I really think its playing with fire. I offered Mr Cooke the difference in what I settled and what was due for an R1 pays as agreed account listing, but my account was so old there was no way of knowing what the difference was, and frankly there's other bills I have the have more importance over a 4 year old "satisfied bill". Let me know if you go the validation route, just keep in mind the FDCPA isn't there to back you up for the OC.
He said the best he could do was give me an R5 rating because it was settled. I asked if I paid the difference now, if he could change it to an R1 never late. He was very receptive and basically said, unfortunately cause it was so long ago it's not in their system what the difference is. As a matter of fact for the longest time it said "R9 Paid in full" then one of my disputes as "not mine" triggered it to come back saying "settled" which KILLED my score. What I don't understand is, if they don't know the difference in what I padi and what I owed, then how do they even know it was settled. He's pretty much going on what someone ELSE typed into my file.
YAY!!!! I disputed hubbys neg's left on EQU then went and applied for the Target Visa, he got approved for $500 limit and 18.9%... Ok Target holders how long til they lower the rate or raise the limit?
That's the same thing I did this week. I got denied for the target card, so heck, denied everything left on husbands, raised the score 78 points and applied on line. Got the same deal, $500 with 18.8...yea, what do we do to get the line raised and the intrest lowered?
I got the Target Guest card in November 2001. My Equifax Beacon score was 665 at the time. They won't let you have a credit line increase for 6 months. One of their reps told my that in addition, any time you apply for a line increase, you have to wait 30 days before you apply again or you will be turned down automatically.
As far as the APR goes, a rep there told me they will reduce it one level for anyone theat calls and asks for it. They did it for me and many other board members. As far as the credit limit increase, not giving one for 6 months may be a policy, but it can be done. When I received my card, I called before activating it and got an immediate $1000 increase.