Hubby got his Target Visa last week, well we needed a carpet steamer so we figured we'd use the 10% coupon thingie and try out his new card. We got to the register with a cart full of stuff (about $200). His limit is $500 (woohoo). Well we give the guy his card and the cashier says he can't take it. So I have a guest card, I've never used so we try that doesn't go through, its below my limit. The cashier calls some 800#, I tell him ask them why his card won't work, cause I really don't want to use my guest card. The 800# people ask to speak to hubby. Hubby gets on the phone and this is what I hear "How on earth am I suppose to do that, I'm standing at a Target register trying to purchase stuff" Well the 800# lady wanted hubby to fax over proof of his address, license, and SScard. So we walk out of there with nothing, BUT hubby told the 800# lady to close the account and she said ok. She can't authorize the purchase because he might not be him, but she can close the account? He DID activate the card, and not once did it transfer him to a CS rep. Off to find the Target Visa retention number!
OH...I can empathize to a degree. The first time I tried to use my guest card, the obviously new CSR couldn't figure out how to dial in to activate it. I finally got tired of the shuffling of feet, sighs and rolling eyes behind me and just put it on another card. Next time I went back...took them 15 mintues to finally activate it. They wanted my drivers license and everything...but of course I could use it online to my heart's content. As far as them wanting your hubby to fax all of that...why didn't they just have the CSR look at his driver's license and other id???? I recall...I had just had my dl renewed and had accidentally handed the CSR my old expired license with a previous address on it. When it was going through I realized I had given her my old license so I then gave her my new one (renewed the day before). I didn't think they were going to activate it at all after that. Geez...with their interest rate on top of something like this...I don't think they are a very good card to have! L
I can understand too. We just used my husband's guest card for the first time and the cashier had to call in. Dh had to show ID but luckily it went through. It was so embarrassing though and I stood there panicing, wondering if they had changed their mind about approving him. BTW our purchase was for $17. Kim
I got my Target Card via the Internet in December. I had used my NY address because at the time, I was trying to keep everything there for NY laws on Credit. But the card was delivered to my Charlotte address. So, I activate it, get to the store to make a purchase, use my employee discount card, and it prompts for ID, and to call CS at Target Guest Card. THey call, and the woman on the other end won't approve it because I didn't have NC identification. I told her that I'm an employee, I just transfered to NC from NY, and I didn't understand why they wouldn't take my VALID NY DL as identification. I finally persuaded her that I'm me, but I thought it was rediculous. Then I thought about it... What if Wendy Wrong applied for credit over the internet as me, and they allowed that to happen....I think I'd be more upset over that than my $80 purchase.
Update- Hubby called the 800# on the back of the card, he asked what happened. Apprently cause he has ok credit he got an instant approval on 5/9, but on 5/10 when a HUMAN looked at it his addresses didn't match up (we just moved), the woman was completely rude about it, and all hubby kept saying was just close the account I don't want to be that embarassed again. The woman closed it, BUT I just went online to see if it worked there and sure enough, I have a brand new microwave coming. Now if that's not fraud waiting to happen.
Well, that is awful!! They should have called you right away, not waited until you tried to use the card. That's like the time AmEx stopped me in the grocery store. I almost closed the account.