The county auditor screwed up on my realestate tax records & decided they undercharged me $1800.oo over the last 5 years. They have declaired me deliquent for the $1800.00. I have all the tax bills and all the canceled checks I paid on them for the 5 years.The checks and the bills total the same. Can they foreclose on my home for this?They already published this in the local newspaper. Can or will this be reported to the CRAs? What recourse do I have If any?
That's TERRIBLE! I don't know if you live in a small town, but I do, and I would think the humiliation of having this published in " Home Town News" would be a major embarrasment, not to mention a forcertain lawsuit, if you want to deal with about two years of hearings in front of Boss Hogg and Sherrif Taylor!
This is the way they worked it out. I'm not sure it's legal and haven't figgured out how to find out yet! !
Yea, but I always thought that if you lived in NY or something that no one would ever see it. Where here, everyone knows everyone, so if it's in there, people will be whispering as you pass the next day.
Anything that is a public record is legal to print, unfortunately It's just that most newspapers (and I know this from being in the field) are too ethical to attempt to humiliate people that way.
The tax law requires the county to publish this in the local newspaper. This is not something that the paper got from public records and printed.The county went to the paper and had them print it.