Telephone Records

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ryanweston, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. ryanweston

    ryanweston Member

    I've had several phone conversations with the nice people at Equifax, Experian, and Bank of America (the original creditor). I foolishly did not get the name of most of the people with whom I spoke. I do have the dates and even the times of most of the conversations, and I do have my own notes regarding the content of the conversations.

    I included this information in my federal Complaint. In their answers, the defendants denied each of my statements regarding the telephone conversations.

    I would like to know if there are any laws requiring credit bureaus (or banks) to:
    1) record conversations with debtors
    2) take notes regarding such conversations
    3) keep the records or notes of such conversations for any certain period of time
    4) keep logs of such conversations, including the name of the employee who spoke with the debtor

    Or, if there are no applicable laws, any information regarding industry practice would be helpful as well.

  2. owe2much

    owe2much Well-Known Member

    I know of no standard industry practice. Only speculation as to the methods used.
    You may have to file litigation to get them to disclose their records.

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