"Ten Basic Tips To Financ

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Creditinsi, Aug 7, 2000.

  1. Creditinsi

    Creditinsi Guest

    (c) 2000, Creditinsiders.com

    1. Check Your Credit Report Regularly.
    Before you can keep your credit in good
    standing you have to see your credit reports,
    these can be ordered from the 3 major
    Bureaus at a cost of around $8.00 each, it is
    a good idea to check your credit reports at
    least once per year. For more information
    on how to order your credit report visit:

    2. Keep Track Of Your Budget -
    Knowing how, where and how much you are
    spending is key to keeping a healthy financial
    status, always keep records and write down
    all financial transactions, a good software
    program such as Quicken and QuickBooks
    can dramatically help you keep track of your

    3. Use Your Credit Responsibly -
    Don't fall on the credit card trap, credit card
    companies will do everything to try to make
    you charge your credit card as high as possible,
    low interest rates, mail you free checks etc...
    Think before you use your plastic! Ask yourself
    do I need this? How long will it take me to pay
    it off? and most importantly... Can I afford it?

    4. Find The Best APR Rates -
    A low or reasonable interest rate can save you
    a lot of money, always read the fine print before
    you apply for a credit card, loan etc....
    Some credit cards will tempt you with a low
    interest rate to get you to sign up and then they
    will raise the rates dramatically, so be sure
    you know what you're getting into. A good
    source to find the best rates is:

    5. Pay Your Bills On Time -
    Late payments can put a big dent in your
    pocket and your credit history, some
    credit card companies will raise their APR
    if you have a few late payments on your
    record, make sure you know when your
    payments are due and mail your payments
    on time.

    6. Always Check Your Statements -
    Make sure all information on your monthly
    statements is correct especially look for
    charges that you have not made to your

    7. Think Before Becoming A Co-Signer -
    Be aware that if you co-sign for someone and
    they are unable to fulfill their part of the
    agreement then you will be responsible for
    any unpaid debts, even if you have AAA
    credit, this can hurt your good credit,
    so think before you co-sign.

    8. Keep Good Account Records -
    It's a good idea to keep an accurate record
    of your account numbers, expiration dates,
    and the phone number and address of each
    creditor in a secure place in case you ever
    lose your credit cards you are able to
    contact the companies as soon as possible.

    9. Dispose Of Records Properly -
    Never throw away credit card statements,
    bank records etc without shredding them
    or destroying any account information,
    this will prevent possible credit and/or
    identity theft which has become quite
    common these days.

    10. Use Cash Whenever Possible -
    By using cash instead of credit whenever
    possible people tend to spend less, this
    may help you to lower your debt instead
    of making it worse.

    (c) 2000, Creditinsiders.com
    For more free tips on credit and finance
    visit our website at:
  2. RichGuy

    RichGuy Guest

    Thank You

    I always enjoy a comprehensive list like this. It balances the more specific factual questions and gives me a broader perspective on my financial situation. Thank you.

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