Testimonies Needed - Repair Time?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by texan, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. texan

    texan Well-Known Member

    Perhaps some of you who have realized success - got your scores above 700 - can provide your testimony on how long it took - from the first moment you started sending out letters/faxs etc., to the point of "success."

    What is a resonable time frame for suceess to GOOD credit from the 400s or 500s to the 700s/800s? Assuming someone is very diligent and constantly on top of things - on a daily basis.

  2. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Took me 4 months of everyday letters and threatening to get to 735 on efx and 662 on experian.
  3. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    what do you mean by everyday letters??
  4. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I have about 6 months in and no kidding at least several hundred hours of research and countless mailing to everyone who is concerned regarding my credit reports. I have racked up to date between my credit reports and my wife's credit reports disputes totaling around 32. I have alone just in postage costs almost $1000.00. This means every letter and dispute is sent certified and registered which adds up to about $4.50 to send about 5 pages out in a standard letter. This is not including the cost of filing suits and paying my attorney to speak with him regarding legal matters.

    It is very, very costly but not as costly as if you paid someone to do it for you and have know idea what they are doing with your life.

    I like to have control over things and letting someone else repair my credit does not fit into my comfort zone. To date I have raised each of our scores from 494 to 640 and 528 to 696. We have removed about 90% of legitimate debts due to persistance, suing on violations and the like.

    My advice to anyone is to keep at it again and again and not give up like they want you to. I have gotten deletions just because I called, written and bugged people, albet the right people day in and day out.

    You can repair your credit and the CRA's claim about not being able to remove accurate information is correct....That's because the CRA's NEVER keep accurate info on anyone!! It is your's for the pick'in!

    Good Luck!

  5. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    LOl Tac, can I hire you to help me out.. just kidding...
  6. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    my score on tu went from 435 (november 2001) to 682 (yesterday). this resulted from cra disputes and validations only. My exp score is in 600's after i won a 3k default judgement against them.

    from tu i started with 3 judgements (2 unpaid) 1 unpaid car repo, and over 15 collections. i am now down to my last four negs.
  7. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    I sent my first round of dispute letters on 3/11/02. At that time, my scores were about 560's. Working on this everyday(literally, ask my wife!), I have deleted over 35 derogs from all 3 CR's combined. Most of my derogs were from 1996 - 1998, so many of them came off just with the standard "not mine". Currently my scores are EX - 697, EQ - 655, & TU(E-Loan) - 689. Now I'm focusing on the *toughies* - verified CC's, a tax lien, & a judgement.

    I'd say commit yourself to at least one hour EVERYDAY and you will see results. Whether is reading CreitNet, writing letters, researching companies, checking your CR's, calling CRA's. I used bring my CR's to work with me everyday!!

    Good luck.
  8. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    Buy a fax machine. ;-)

    But your right, some communications MUST be sent CRRR.
  9. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    It took me since 11/01 to now to get to the mid 600s on all reports. You do not have to spend all your money on CRRR some things do have to be sent that way for you to have proof if you have to sue.

    It will be a passion when things start to go right. It will get disheartening when you things do go your way. So, just be persistent.

    I am prime and have recently gotten a bunch of credit cards that I wouldn't have been able to before CreditNet.
  10. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Twelve months ago we had just finished CCCS. We had a total of ~75 negative tradelines reporting-- almost all were paid chargeoffs/ paid collections. I have one left on each of my three CR's (scores in upper mid 600's now). My wife (The Lovely Mrs. Quixote) has a few more than that. Truth be told, I've spent more time on mine than hers. Since she does not work outside the home, I concentrated on my own in order to get ready for a mortgage (later this month!) since I'll be the qualifier. Once that's done, I'll double back and finish hers up. BTW, I did almost nothing from January to May of this year, so really about 8 or 9 months of fairly solid effort. Lots of CRR letters. Lots of phone calls. No lawsuits.
  11. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    Congrat's on your success!!

    What's the latest with Macy's?
  12. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Shot me down flat on the Goodwill letter. I guess that only works if you're still a customer of theirs. I sent out my soon-to-be-famous Raving Lunatic Cousin of Nutcase letter via e-mail this morning. They have already acknowledged receipt, but that's the extent of it. If it works, I'll post it, but it's basically a conglomeration of Nutcase, Intent-to-Sue, and Bbauers' Knockout letter, plus some specific details and my own ravings. Sent basically the same letter to Chevron.

    Fingers Crossed!
  13. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    I am bookmarking this thread as INSPIRATION....

    its amazing what some of you have done....
  14. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    can you email(or fax) this one to me.

  15. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    Bbauers' Knockout letter:

    if you are emailing could you send me a copy as well..
  16. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Glad I looked one last time before I bug out.

    Here's the knockout letter link.
  17. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    Arigato :)
  18. RoundLake

    RoundLake Well-Known Member

    However, this investment may result in many thousands of $$$ in savings on interest rates over a seven year period.

  19. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice about buyin a Fax machine but I already have one and don't rely on it too heavily. I have used it in the past to fax disputes to the CRA's and some OC's and when I always call back they say they never received it!! Even though I have the confirmation sheet that they did, they just claim they either didn't receive it, it's misplaced or the wrong person has it. I like the idea although costly of having that little green card with the signature come back, there is nothing quite like it!! I only had one CRA which was equifax say they never received my dispute. I told the customer service rep over the phone when it was mailed and when they signed for it. I told her if she liked I could fax her a copy of the green card right now. She said they would investigate and get back to me on it. I said thats good because you only have 30 days anyway and 15 of them are up. At the end of the month "30days" I called and miraciously they had found them and deleted my 2 disputes. In this case it was well worth the $5.00 to send that letter. Thats just my 2 cents.

  20. JustinTJ

    JustinTJ Well-Known Member

    Lizard, could you explain the procedure you used in filing your suit. Also, were these legitimate chargeoffs? I have two I really need to get rid of, everything else on my report is perfect.

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