Today, my personal Creditnet Holiday Onslaught of Disputes, began with my arrival at the local Post office in Irvine CA... I want to express my personal Greetings to the CRA's from Jim. I know that you CRA's have heard from me before during the year, but I wanted to wish you a Merry Holiday season and happy verifying!!! Take your time with my disputes and I hope not to hear from you until January, 2002. As a side issue, I wish everyone success with Nave's C.H.O.D. program. Hopefully January will bring many dispute deletions. Onward creditnet soldiers. Jim
And they're off! Way to go Jim! Keep track and we will all compare notes in a month. Good Luck. -Peace, Dave PS - Official kick off will be Wednesday for anyone wishing to join Jim and us with the C.H.O.D.
I've got a few pesky minor matters to clean up. After my suit, I have 3 negatives left scattered among the 3 cra's and a couple of public records. That is down from about 45 negs and 15 public records as of last March. I haven't sent a dispute out in several months now so I guess I will join up and send out disputes on the remaining minor issues. Happy C.H.O.D. to all!
I am sending out my disputes tomorrow, I sent out validations yesterday. My question is I have 14 items I am disputing. Should I send out 3-4 items per letter and send out multiple letters or all 14 on one letter? I think I know the answer, I just want to be sure before I do anything. Thanks, Bobbi
3 or 4 per letter is my recommendation...14 will most likely get either all marked as frivolous and returned to you...or the first 3 or 4 will be entered in as disputed and the rest discarded as frivolous. 4 seems to be the average "magic number". Good Luck! -Peace, Dave
Bobbi, I agree. Do the 3-4 that would be hardest to be removed, and that are most detrimental, i.e., public records, chargeoffs, serious late pays! Happy Holiday Disputing! cariba
I am sending out my C.H.O.D. disputes today during lunch.. Equifax, Experian, and Chex.. Good luck, everyone! jmart
Bobbi, For what it is worth, I agree with Nave and Cariba. In my own case, I have 2 items to dispute with TU. I dropped one dispute off yesterday at the post office. I will drop off the second dispute tomorrow. I am convinced that the less you give the CRA at one time the more likely your success will be. Jim
I've just sent off my disputes. 6 accts in all. I'm very sad though. I thought I was a member of the 600 club. Well, I'm not. I'm still a member of the 500 club. Booo Hooo.
Mom sorry to hear about the revelation...I hope this round of disputes pushes you over the hurdle. I have my fingers crossed. Good luck. -Peace, Dave
Mother2, Aren't you a Creditexpert member?? If so you may very well be a 600 club member without knowing it. Creditexpert was showing me as a 701 when the credit union was showing me as 728. Good luck on your disputes. This Holiday dispute idea of Nave is great!. On the 5th my second TU dispute goes in the mail. Jim
I have never figured out WHY people give this answer???? The goal of CHOD is to be ignored for 30 days, no? If you have a nasty, a public record for eg, does it not make more sense to send in all 14 and hope that all but the top 3 get ignored? If you have say a bk, and you send in only 3 or 4, aren't you basically undoing the CHOD (a bk doesn't take very long to verify) technique?
I too am joining. I disputed online with Equifax. I already had disputed some items on 11/13. So, decided why not send more!!! It doesn't matter at this point. I'll just wait and see what happens. They have to investigate. I just hit them with violations of FCRA if they don't.
Hi solzy! I have noticed that there have been many reports on the board that if you try to dispute too much at one time, the hapless CRA clerk who receives the disputes will likely verify the information without doing an investigation. The CRA's vigorously deny this happens but remember human nature... 14 disputes at one time will either appear to be frivolous or just too much work to deal with. I only have 2 things to dispute with TU. One dispute was mailed on Monday. The second dispute is being mailed today. Hopefully this will result in two separate $7 an hour CRA clerks each handling one dispute. No one will be overwhelmed or confused. It's just my opinion. LOL Jim
some people have said they get "ignored". some people have said they get "deemed frivolous." you are the first I remember reading having said they get "verified" without labor. These are all very different things. First would be (contrary to what people say) great, second I have never been able to confirm actually occurred. Has verification sans effort actually happened to anyone? It is very, very difficult for me to believe a cra would do this, at least to a previously unverified entry. can you imagine the potential liability? It would be staggering. I cannot imagine what they would do in response to a verification letter? My impression having raised this issue a couple of times is more than 3 or 4 get "ignored" ... which makes the folks who view only "removal" as a satisfactory outcome unhappy. If you have a public record which can be verified in on pacer.....I wonder if that is not the best outcome though. I could be wrong.....IF somebody has experienced differently once again I ask, please step forward and relay your experiences.......
solzy, I am not sure what I am about to say will actually address your comments but I will try... I once disputed a "lost or stolen card" with 2 CRA's. Within 2 weeks, I received responses. One deletion and one verification. Another time, I disputed a address. 3 days later, I received notice in the mail that the address was deleted. One of my few remaining BK discharged accounts says "Creditor's statement. Purchased by another lender". I disputed and a week later I was notified that this account has been verified with the creditor and that the account is mine and current. LOL These responses are just indicators that sometimes the investigations are limited or non-existent. As a side issue - I have never had chargeoffs, late payments, a car repo or ever dealt with a collection agency. There has been a body of correspondence here on the board dealing with "Verification letters" on these topics. I haven't read them or contributed to them. Indeed, I am not qualified to discuss them. I hope this helped. Jim
we have to remember that most consumers do not know their rights. They are not preoccupied with the FDCPA or FCRA like many of us are. They accept what the cra's tell them. So, they can skim the investigations, because what is the likelihood that someone (a consumer) will challenge them on this stuff. so, like the employers i deal with everyday who violate labor law..... they sometimes evaluate the business "costs" of breaking the law and may decide not to comply.
Yes. It happened to me and I caught Equifax red-handed. When I went through the dates and letters with a supervisor, she - of course - defended Equifax's procedure - but she also deleted the items by the next day. It was so obvious they verified without investigating, I felt embarrassed for them.
Of course human nature is to ignore some disputes. While this used to be distressing, now it's a holiday present. When the investigation has concluded write in and ask for a procedural discription. Likely you either won't get one or you'll get the wrong thing. You're now at about 45-50 days after they received your first disputes. Call or write... ask about the ignored disputes. Ignored disputes that aren't deemed frivolous should be pointed out when the investigation is done. Likely the CRA will then say they'll do the investigation now. Wrong. They just violated the FCRA... you now have them on FCRA violations. Odds are you've also got them on the procedural dispute request as well. If there really are errors then there's a third one. See how the FCRA violations just pile up quickly. Send a demand letter if you want or just sue them then and there. If you really want to be a consumer advocate, try to get some money for the violations as well