when i wrote "verification" letter i meant the procedural description letter marie outlined. I know there is a conventional wisdom to only send in 3 or 4, but wonder how well thought out this really is. Marie has captured my thinking precisely. ignored is not the same as frivolous is not the same as falsely verified. I am thinking 15 disputes in one letter is better for this reason. Especially if they are new disputes.
Hi again solzy, Thanks for the clarification. The dispute I mailed today to TU referenced the fact the I will ask for the "Verification procedure" if this item is not removed from my credit report. Having said this, I am not as knowledgeable as say a LKH, Marie or Lizardking as I have not given any thought to a lawsuit. They have. If you dispute 15 items in one letter - Let us know what happens. I would be very interested to see you post the results on the board. Thanks again Nave for C.H.O.D. Jim
Jim, You are welcome...it is all of us doing the disputing...just me doing the cheering! How things going with you? Whats the weather like out there ... oh yea I forgot... ITS NICE! LOL Hope you and your daughter have an excellent holiday! -Peace, Dave
Hi Nave! Things are going fine with me. The weather today was cool by California standards - 60's by day and 40's by evening. But the sun was out in the afternoon. Tomorrow it should warm up. My daughter Melinda is a potential shopaholic. LOL Due to her I have a new department store card. I haven't reported it yet because I want to determine which CRA got pulled before I mention it to the board. I hope that you and your family / friends have a wonderful holiday. Also, that C.H.O.D. brings you many deletions. Jim
LOL Credit Intelligence... Reporting to the board ) Thanks for the warm wishes too. - Peace, Dave PS She's a potential shopaholic and you got her a card!!?? Soon time for PsychDoc I'd say ....Maybe he can hypnotize her to spend less.
i understand why, if removal is all you care about, 15 in one is a bad idea. consensus is that *something* happens above 3/4. Whether that is ignoring, or frivlousness, or false verifications....? I don't know. But if removal is not all you care about, these are significant distinctions. what experience have folks had? We need to know this (and also, what the desired outcome is) before deciding what is best. also, jmo, but i do not think advertising in your dispute you will be following up with a procedure validation letter is what you would want to do unless you were sure the item was unverifiable.
No, no matter WHAT you care about. What happens is that they throw it out. I have seen this and read this from many folks here. It has happened to me. NO MATTER what your goal is...deletion, updating incorrect info, or even simply having them READ the entire dispute letter...anything. If the person opens your letter and sees 15 disputed items they throw it out, return it to you marked as FRIVOLOUS, or (at best) submit the first 3 or 4 items to the "dispute process" and discard the rest as frivolous items. In other words they ignore them. It is better to chew in small bites...big bites cause choking. -Peace, Dave
solzy, jmo ( I presume "just my opinion"). - My Experian report is clean based upon similar tactics. Like I said, LKH, Marie and Lizardking are much more knowledgeable about what I suspect is your situation. If you want to place 15 disputes on one letter - fine!!! Do it! Educate us with the results. I have nothing further to share with you as you are proposing a credit dispute approach different than mine. Good luck! Please do report back with the results. Best wishes, Jim
My first round of disputes (more accurately requests for verification) were done in so simple a manner that, in retrospect, it's hard to believe they worked as well as they did. Then again, maybe that's why they did. I sent out a check list form I made up on my computer. No letter at all, just a list. Creditor, Account #, and a checked box (Paid In Full, Not My Acct., Please Verify Info- the one I used on most of them except where I had evidence to back up something stronger). Here's the breakdown: Wife's EQ: 7 Delete, 7 verified My EQ: 1 Delete, 3 changed to positive, 6 verified Wife's EX: 1 Delete, 3 changed to positive, 7 verified My EX: 2 Delete, 3 changed to positive, 6 verified Wife's TU: 7 Delete, 1 changed to positive, 7 verified My TU: 7 Delete, 5 verified Totals 34 Deletes, 10 Changed to positive, 38 Verfied. Total Cost: Six stamps. (Yep. I didn't even send them CRR) In follow ups I ended up getting another 6 or 8 deletions. Now, since then, I ve gotten all kinds of siphosticated. I send CRR's and Validation letters, and estoppels, and I've gotten exactly zero deletions since. Now, many of you know that I recently signed up with Bill Bauer, so I'm with holding judgement for now. I will report back though. Since I have a new an unexpected time pressure (landlord wants to sell the house and has given me one month to figure out how to qualify for a loan or she's going to list the house), I'm going to deviate from the course. While continuing my efforts with Bill, I'm going to send out a bunch of disputes. Since all of our former creditors (who have all been paid in full ages ago, BTW) left on our CR's are staring down at estoppel letters (after non-responses to Validation Letters) as I write this, I can't help but be just a little hopeful that they may decide to throw it in. So, what's the consensus. written or online?
Hi All.. I love this site! Im just getting started. I have done alot of reading here and I am motivated! yeeehaaw! Sent out the disputes yesterday to all 3 cra's Disputing a Chap 7 BK from 94, a Charge off from 97, and I threw in a "never late" on my car loan that had a 60 day late.. I paid the car off last year. My TU score is currently 547 - have about 5 charge offs to take care of. How would I find my score at the other CA's? they dont list it with the online report. Sette313 November Newbie (really)
I decided to just put the hammer down. I am disputing everything. Online. I'm even going a step further and starting a secondary dispute for all of my inquiries, including PRM. I put the statement "I am aware that promotional inquiries affect my credit score negatively. I expect them to be removed" in the notes box at the end on TU. I figure if we're going for a storm, might as well make it a blizzard.
I just got updates from Round 1: TU: deleted medical collection deleted cell account EX: they ignored a cc account deleted medical collection updated 2 cell accounts to PERFECT *still have 4 charge off cc's EQ: deleted medical collection *still have 2 judgments to get rid of... READY FOR C.H.O.D aka ROUND 2! (ding ding, LOL)
I decided to participate in the C.H.O.D. as well but just with my miserable TU report. I disputed everything. It took my 10 months just to get the darn thing out of them anyways so I figured what the he**. What can they do but ignore it or at best, do something stupid that I can burn them for later. I did my online. First time that I have disputed anything online so we will see how that goes. I've also been thinging about this C.H.O.D. thing. What we are doing is trying to take advantage of the holiday season and the premise that they will be short staffed and short on time so they will not be able to verify things within the timeframe given by the laws. What if they just go into automatic denials during this time of the year. More "frivilous" letters and so forth since they are short staffed (or so we believe). Just a thought but I hope everyone is right and I can have a reasonablly clean TU report when all is said and done.
Yea thats why we have to keep track of our results. If they do not verify and simply claim verification they of course would be subject to penalties for each violation of the FCRA (yeah I know). We will see when the results are in. Good Luck with your disputes. -Peace, Dave
I am even more interested in the C.H.O.D. results now than when Nave first set this up! Maybe doing a lot of diisputes (not just a few) at this this time of the year and disputing PRM inquiries etc. will have some very desirable results. My sincere hope is that everyone reports back. BTW - I have it easy. I have so few negatives left that my disputes are simply going to be one at a time. Jim